本日 (令和5年 [2023年] 7月16日 [日曜日]) のNHKテレビの大相撲中継で「師匠の教え」という特集がありました。

In NHK TV's live ozumo coverage today (Sunday, July 16, Reiwa 5 [2023]), there was a segment on "Stable Master's Lesson" (師匠の教え)。


今回の「師匠の教え」は二子山親方 (昭和3年 [1928年]- 平成22年 [2010年]; 元初代横綱若乃花) の「力を抜くな」というものでした。

"Stable Master's Lesson" this time was "Never ease up on yourself" (力を抜くな) by the late Futagoyama oyakata (二子山親方 [1928-2010] who was the first Yokozuna Wakanohana [初代横綱若乃花] as an incumbent rikishi). 



Futagoyama oyakata taught his stable's rikishi never to ease up on themselves, and told them to "think that all areas outside the dohyo [土俵: the arena that contains a ring-shaped area where sumo bouts take place] are a cliff [断崖絶壁]." One would certainly never "ease up on oneself" if one convinced oneself that any area outside the dohyo (or the ring-shaped area in it) is a "cliff” and a fall from such cliff means death.



To ensure that his rikishi would never "ease up on themselves," Futagoyama oyakata trained them extremely rigorously. The oyakata required his rikishi to stand up again and again -- no matter how exhausted and out of breath they were -- and keep training and practicing bouts. Such training would make rikishi less likely to be out of breath and eventually stronger.