令和5年五月場所では、豪ノ山関 (武隈 [たけくま] 部屋) が十両優勝しました。

In the May basho of Reiwa 5 (令和5年五月場所), Gonoyama (豪ノ山関; Takekuma Stable [武隈部屋]) became the Juryo champion (十両優勝).



I congratulate him.



Gonoyama's current rikishi rank (番付) is East Juryo 1 (東十両筆頭). He became the Juryo champion with an excellent score of 14 wins and 1 loss. Thus, in the next basho, which is the July basho (七月場所、名古屋場所)、his rank will be significantly higher; he will definitely be a makunouchi rikishi (幕内力士: rikishi in the higher division of salaried rikishi).


私は豪ノ山関の師匠の武隈親方 (元大関豪栄道 [ごうえいどう]) が好きなので、武隈部屋で最初の関取であり、来場所には最初の幕内力士となる豪ノ山関を応援しています。 

I like Takekuma Oyakata (武隈親方), Gonoyama's stable master (師匠). Takekuma Oyakata was Goeido (豪栄道) with the rank of Ozeki (大関: the second highest rank for a rikishi) when he was an incumbent rikishi. Thus, I root for Gonoyama, who is the first sekitori (関取: salaried rikishi) of Takekuma Stable and will be the first makunouchi rikishi of the stable.