大相撲十一月場所で、王鵬 (おうほう) 関 (大嶽 [おおたけ] 部屋; 東十両7枚目) が本日 (令和3年 [2021年] 11月20日) まで初日から7連勝と好調です。あと一勝で勝ち越しですし、そうなれば来場所には番付が上がります。

In the ongoing ozumo November basho (大相撲十一月場所 [九州場所])、Oho (王鵬関) (Otake Stable [大嶽部屋]; east juryo 7 [東十両7枚目]) has won seven bouts in a row since the basho's first day. If he wins another bout, he will win kachikoshi (勝ち越し: more wins than losses in a basho) and improve his rikishi rank (番付が上がる) in the next basho. 


今場所の王鵬関の取り口は安定しています。彼は取り組み時によく足が前に出ており、相手の動きに翻弄 (ほんろう) されることが少ないように見えます。

In the current basho, Oho has engaged in his bouts in a stable fashion. In the bouts, he has been able to put each of his feet forward well, and it seems that he has been able to fight his opponents his way regardless of what they do.


昭和の大横綱である大鵬 (たいほう) 関の孫として知られる王鵬関には、今場所は是非大勝ちして、できるだけ早く幕内に昇進して欲しいです。

I would like to see Oho, who is known as a grandson of Taiho (大鵬関), one of the best-known and highest-achieving yokozuna of the Showa era (昭和の大横綱), win as many bouts as possible in this basho, and be promoted to the makunouchi division (幕内: the highest-ranking division for rikishi) as soon as possible.