明日9月26日 (日曜日) は、大相撲九月場所の千秋楽 (せんしゅうらく: 本場所の最後の日 [15日目]) です。

Tomorrow (Sunday, September 26) is the sensyuraku (千秋楽: the 15th and last day of the basho) of the September basho (大相撲九月場所) of Reiwa 3 (2021).


幕内最高優勝の可能性がある力士は、照ノ富士 (てるのふじ) 関 (伊勢ケ濱 [いせがはま] 部屋; 横綱 [よこづな]) と妙義龍 (みょうぎりゅう) 関 (境川 [さかいがわ] 部屋; 西前頭 [にしまえがしら] 10枚目) の二人のみです。

The following are the only two rikishi who have a chance to win the makunouchi yusho (幕内最高優勝: championship in the makunouchi division): 

Terunofuji (照ノ富士関) (Isegahama Stable [伊勢ケ濱部屋]; yokozuna [横綱: the highest rank for rikishi]); and

Myogiryu (妙義龍関) (Sakaigawa Stable [境川部屋]; west maegashira 10 [西前頭10枚目])



As of today, Terunofuji's score is 12 wins and 2 losses; the one for Myogiryu is 11 wins and 3 losses.


明日千秋楽には、妙義龍関の取組相手は明生 (めいせい) 関 (立浪 [たつなみ] 部屋; 西関脇 [にしせきわけ])、照ノ富士関の相手は正代 (しょうだい) 関 (時津風 [ときつかぜ] 部屋; 東大関 [ひがしおおぜき]) です。

Tomorrow, Myogiryu's opponent will be Meisei (明生関) (Tatsunami Stable [立浪部屋]; west sekiwake [西関脇]); Terunofuji's opponent will be Shodai (正代関) (Tokitsukaze Stable [時津風部屋]; east ozeki [東大関: ozeki is the second highest rank for rikishi]).



Tefunofuji will win the makunouchi yusho if either Myogiryu is defeated by Meisei, or Terunofuji defeats Shodai.



I hope that Myogiryu will defeat Meisei, Terunofuji will be defeated by Shodai, and Myogiryu and Terunofuji will face off in a runoff. In addition, I want Myogiryu to prevail in the runoff. It is not that I dislike Terunofuji. However, I want Myogiryu, a highly experienced 34-year-old rikishi, to win the yusho this time. The possibility of Myogiryu winning the yusho is slim. Nevertheless, I bet on that possibility.