矢後 (やご) (尾車 [おぐるま] 部屋; 西幕下筆頭) が本日千秋楽の取組に勝って、勝ち越しを決めました。彼の今場所の成績は4勝3敗です。

Yago (矢後) (Oguruma Stable [尾車部屋]; west makushita 1 [西幕下筆頭]) won his bout today on sensyuraku (千秋楽). His score in this May basho is 4 wins and 3 losses, which is kachikoshi (勝ち越し: more wins than losses in a basho).


現在尾車部屋には関取 (せきとり: 番付が十両以上で、給料をもらえる力士) がいません。来場所矢後が十両に戻ることができれば、同部屋にとっては朗報です。

Currently, Oguruma Stable has no sekitori (関取: salaried rikishi at the rank of juryo or above). If Yago can return to the juryo division in the next basho, then it will be good news for the stable.



My family and I like Oguruma oyakata (尾車親方). In addition, we evaluate him highly as a sumo commentator on TV. We would be happy if there were any good news for his stable.