
After the 14th day of this May basho, four rikishi have a chance to win juryo yusho (十両優勝: championship in the juryo division).


私は宇良 (うら) 関 (木瀬 [きせ] 部屋; 西十両2枚目) に十両優勝してほしいです。

I want Ura (宇良関) (Kise Stable [木瀬部屋]; west juryo 2 [西十両2枚目]) to win juryo yusho.



I am impressed with his comeback from the injury-induced descent in ranks.


優勝するか否かに関わらず、彼は来場所には再入幕 (幕内に戻ること) できます。西十両2枚目の番付で、彼の14日までの成績は11勝3敗です。

Whether he wins juryo yusho or not, he will be back in the makunouchi division (再入幕) in the next basho. At the rank of west juryo 2 (西十両2枚目), his record at the end of the 14th day of this basho is 11 wins and 3 losses.