
Today's Japan Sumo Association greetings by Chairman Hakkaku are as follows.  



On behalf of the Japan Sumo Association, I would like to deliver our sincere greetings on the first day of the basho. 



First, I sincerely pray for eternal peace of the souls of those who died of COVID-19. I also pray for speedy recovery of those who contracted COVID-19.



In addition, I express our heartfelt respect to medical professionals all over Japan who deal with COVID-19 and other infectious diseases. I also thank deeply those medical professionals who performed checkups and treatments on Japan Sumo Association members.



Because of the state of emergency, we will have spectators at Kokugikan (国技館) from the fourth day of the basho. To welcome spectators in this basho in a safe and secure environment, we had all Japan Sumo Association members checked for the new coronavirus before the basho, and devised elaborate measures to prevent COVID-19 infection based on the advice from experts on infectious diseases.



I am confident that all rikishi have practiced hard and will meet your expectations by engaging in spirited bouts. All Japan Sumo Association members will work together to preserve, protect, and develop ozumo, which belongs to traditional culture of Japan.  



I conclude my remarks by asking for your warm support and encouragement to all rikishi until sensyuraku (千秋楽: the 15th and last day of the basho).



May 9, Reiwa 3


公益財団法人 日本相撲協会 理事長 八角信芳

Nobuyoshi Hakkaku, Chairman

Japan Sumo Association, a public interest incorporated foundation」