元関脇麒麟児 (きりんじ) (二所ノ関 [にしょのせき] 部屋) の垂澤和春 (たるさわ かずはる) 氏が、令和3年 (2021年) 3月1日に67歳で亡くなられました。

On March 1, Reiwa 3 (2021), Mr. Kazuharu Tarusawa (垂澤和春氏), whose ring name (四股名: shikona) as rikishi was Kirinji (麒麟児; Nishonoseki Stable [二所ノ関部屋]), passed away at the age of 67. His highest rank as rikishi was sekiwake (関脇), which is the third highest rank for rikishi.


昭和50年 (1975年) 五月場所8日目の天覧相撲 (てんらんずもう: 天皇陛下が直接ご覧になる相撲) では、麒麟児関は富士櫻 (ふじざくら) 関 (高砂 [たかさご] 部屋) との白熱した取組に勝ち、相撲がお好きだった昭和天皇陛下が思わず身を乗り出された、という逸話 (いつわ) が残っています。

On the eighth day of the May basho of Showa 50 (1975) (昭和50年五月場所), when Emperor Showa was at Kokugikan to see sumo firsthand (天覧相撲: pronounced "tenran zumo," which refers to any day that the Emperor is present at Kokugikan to watch sumo), Kirinji engaged in a spirited bout with Fujizakura (富士櫻関; Takasago Stable [高砂部屋]) and prevailed. Emperor Showa, who was well known as a sumo aficionado, leaned forward in his seat for a closer look at the bout.



I am sorry that Mr. Tarusawa passed away at a young age. May he rest in peace.