数日前に、王鵬 (おうほう) 関 (大嶽 [おおたけ] 部屋) が国技館で行われた合同稽古 (ごうどうげいこ) に参加したというニュースがありました。王鵬関は、昭和の大横綱である大鵬 (たいほう) 関の孫です。幕内力士との稽古を精力的に行ったようです。

A few days ago, it was reported that Oho (王鵬関; Otake Stable [大嶽部屋]) took part in the godo geiko (合同稽古: joint practice session among rikishi from multiple stables) at Kokugikan (国技館). Oho is a grandson of Taiho (大鵬関), one of the best-known and highest-achieving yokozuna of the Showa era (昭和の大横綱: "yokozuna" is the highest rank for rikishi). Oho seems to have engaged in vigorous practice bouts with rikishi of the makunouchi division (幕内力士). 


王鵬関は令和3年 (2021年) 一月場所では西十両11枚目の番付で新十両でした。しかし、残念ながら5勝10敗と大きく負け越したため、令和3年三月場所では幕下 (まくした) に戻る見込みです。彼は一場所で十両に復帰する決意を語っています。ぜひそうなるように願っています。

In the January basho of Reiwa 3 (2021) (令和3年 [2021年] 一月場所), Oho was a new juryo (新十両: juryo is the lowest-ranking division for salaried rikishi [sekitori: 関取]) at the rank of west juryo 11 (西十両11枚目). However, in the March basho of Reiwa 3 (令和3年三月場所), he is likely to be demoted back to the makushita division (幕下: the division just below the juryo division) because his score in the January basho was 5 wins and 10 losses, which is serious makekoshi (負け越し: more losses than wins in a basho). He is reportedly determined to return to the juryo division in the May basho of Reiwa 3 (令和3年五月場所). I hope he will achieve that goal.


大鵬関に関しては、令和3年 (2021年) 2月23日付の「NEWSポストセブン」の記事に、芥川賞作家の高橋三千綱 (たかはし みちつな) 氏が「もし今大鵬関が生きていたら」を想像する記事がありました。大鵬関は、横綱になっても付け人に対して「小遣いはあるか」「飯は食っているか」と常に気遣っていたそうです。また、高橋氏が実際に見た大鵬関の四股 (しこ: 力士が左右の足をかわるがわる高く上げ、地面を力強く踏む動作。相撲の重要な基本動作の一つ) は実に堂々としており、もし彼が今生きていれば「四股でコロナを踏みつけただろう」とのことです。

With regard to Taiho, on February 23, Reiwa 3 (2021), "NEWS Post Seven" (NEWSポストセブン), a news website, had an article in which Mr. Michitsuna Takahashi (高橋三千綱氏), a noted award-winning writer, imagines what Taiho would do if he were alive today. Taiho was reportedly a caring person who, even after becoming a yokozuna, often asked his tsukebito (付け人: low-ranked rikishi who help sekitori with various chores) whether they had spending money or ate decent meals. In addition, Taiho's shiko (四股: rikishi's motion to raise each leg to a high position and then step on the ground forcefully. It is one of the most important motions and exercises for rikishi), which Mr. Takahashi had a chance to see firsthand, was very dignified yet forceful. Mr. Takahashi believes that Taiho "would have stepped on and crushed the coronavirus with his shiko."



I certainly hope that Oho will be a stronger rikishi and attain a higher rank. At the same time, when he gets promoted, I hope he will care for and treat others with respect and courtesy like his grandfather.