翠富士 (みどりふじ) 関 (伊勢ヶ濱 [いせがはま] 部屋) が、見事に新入幕を果たしました。おめでとうございます。日本相撲協会の公式ツイッター上の動画で、翠富士関は「(令和3年 [2021年] 一月場所では) 三賞 (さんしょう)* を取れるように頑張ります」と宣言しました。その心意気は素晴らしいです。 ぜひ頑張ってほしいです。

Midorifuji (翠富士) (Isegahama Stable [伊勢ヶ濱部屋]) was promoted to the makunouchi division for the first time (新入幕). I am very happy for him. In a video posted in the official Twitter account of the Japan Sumo Association (日本相撲協会), Midorifuji said, "In the January basho of Reiwa 3 [令和3年一月場所], I will do my best to win a sansho* [三賞]." His determination to do well and win the coveted prize of sansho is admirable. I hope he will practice and train hard, and perform well in the January basho. 


伊勢ヶ濱部屋は師匠の伊勢ヶ濱親方 (元横綱旭富士) が偉いと思います。テレビで見る伊勢ヶ濱親方は重厚な存在感があり、良い意味で怖そうな方だという印象を受けます。(私の家族と私は、米国のマティス国防長官 [当時] と伊勢ヶ濱親方は、映像を見ただけで怖そうな人だと話していたものです。しかし、指導者には、そのような迫力のある人も必要です。) テレビで伊勢ヶ濱親方の解説を見ると、無駄なことを言わず、各力士の長所と欠点の両方を的確に指摘されるので、見ているほうまで身の引き締まる思いがします。 過去数年間に伊勢ヶ濱部屋はいろいろと困難があり、親方はさぞ苦労されたと想像します。しかし、照ノ富士関の復活と幕内最高優勝など、最近素晴らしい出来事もあったのは、親方の指導力と人徳によるところが大きいと推測しています。

In Isegahama Stable, Isegahama oyakata (伊勢ヶ濱親方: erstwhile Asahifuji [旭富士], a yokozuna), the stable master, seems like an outstanding leader and coach who sets a good example for the stable's rikishi to follow. Isegahama oyakata as seen on television has a commanding presence and looks scary in a good way. (My family and I felt that both then U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis and Isegahama oyakata were scary just by the way they looked in moving images. However, such an overwhelming presence is sometimes what it takes to be a great leader.) In his sumo commentaries on TV, Isegarama oyakata cites both the strengths and weaknesses of any rikishi incisively without mincing words. The commentaries make me almost compelled to keep my back straight. In the past several years, Isegahama Stable went through a few difficulties, and Isegahama oyakata must have had a very tough time. However, recent good news for the stable, such as Terunofuji's (照ノ富士) comeback and yusho (winning a championship) in the makunouchi division (幕内最高優勝), must have been largely because of the leadership and decency of Isegahama oyakata.


*三賞: 本場所において優れた成績をあげた幕内力士に与えられる、殊勲賞 (しゅくんしょう)、敢闘賞 (かんとうしょう)、技能賞 (ぎのうしょう) のこと。 受賞の対象は以下の通り。

* sansho (三賞: litarally "three prizes"): the collective term for the Outstanding Performance Prize (殊勲賞 [shukun-sho]), the Fighting Spirit Prize (敢闘賞 [kanto-sho]), and the Outstanding Technique Prize (技能賞 [ginou-sho]), all of which are awarded to rikishi in the makunouchi division (幕内力士) who perform well in a basho. The general criteria of rikishi for receiving the prizes are as follows:


殊勲賞: 優勝した力士や、横綱に勝った力士 (前頭 [まえがしら] 力士 [平幕 (ひらまく) とも呼ばれる] が横綱に勝つことを「金星 [きんぼし]」と呼ぶ) 

Outstanding Performance Prize (殊勲賞 [shukun-sho]): the rikishi who won the yusho (優勝: winning the championship) in the basho, or the one who defeated a yokozuna (横綱: the highest-ranking rikishi) (A victory of any maegashira rikishi [前頭: any rikishi in the makunouchi division who is below the rank of komusubi [小結]: also known as "hiramaku" [平幕] ] over a yokozuna is called "kinboshi." [金星: literally "Gold Star"])


敢闘賞: 敢闘精神あふれる取組を展開した力士

Fighting Spirit Prize (敢闘賞 [kanto-sho]): the rikishi who fought most tenaciously and to the best of his ability


技能賞: 優れた技能を発揮した力士

Outstanding Technique Prize (技能賞 [ginou-sho]): the rikishi who demonstrated the most skillful winning techniques



The winner of each prize is awarded two million yen. It is possible for one rikishi to win more than one prize. In addition, even if more than one rikishi win the same prize, each winner is awarded two million yen for that prize.