
For dinner this evening, the blogger had a dish with garlic as an ingredient. The garlic was a product of Aomori prefecture.



The following dialogue ensued at the dinner table.



"This garlic came from Aomori prefecture. It was good."


"Which rikishi are from Aomori?"

「阿武咲 (阿武松部屋)、宝富士 (伊勢ケ濱部屋)・・・」

"Ounoshou (Ounomatsu stable), Takarafuji (Isagahama stable)..."

「安美錦 (現在の安治川親方 [伊勢ケ濱部屋])・・・」

"Aminishiki (now Ajigawa oyakata [stable advisor] [Isegahama stable])..."

「それに残念ながら今場所 [令和2年九月場所] は負け越した新十両の錦富士 (伊勢ケ濱部屋)。」

"And Nishikifuji (Isegahama stable), a new jyuryo in the September basho (of Reiwa 2 [2020]) who unfortunately had a makekoshi (more losses than wins) score."

「豪風 (現在の押尾川親方 [尾車部屋] は?」

"What about Takekaze (now Oshiogawa oyakata [Oguruma stable])?"

「あの人は秋田県出身。弓取りをやっている将豊竜 (時津風部屋) も秋田の人だね。」

"He is from Akita prefecture. So is Shouhouryu (Tokitsukaze stable) who does yumitori (a ceremony at the end of each day in a basho, performed by a rikishi using a bow)."


"We tell prefectures apart by finding out which rikishi is from a given prefecture."


"Yes. Unfortunately, we've never been to Aomori or Akita. And we don't even know the names of so-called good-looking actors these days. We are just not interested. Our stars are rikishi."


"Absolutely. I couldn't care less about those actors, either."


(追記) 青森県出身の著名力士をもう一人挙げると、元小結の舞の海 (現役時代は出羽ノ海部屋) です。力士としては小柄な方ですが、現役時代はその多彩な技から「技のデパート」と呼ばれた方です。彼の技は、自身に体格で遥かに勝る相手を苦しめました。現在舞の海氏は、NHKの相撲解説者として活躍されています。

Postscript: Another well-known rikishi from Aomori perfecture is Mainoumi (Dewanoumi stable while he was an active rikishi). His highest rank was komusubi. He was known as the "Department Store of Techniques" for his versatile winning techniques. Although he was physically small for a rikishi, his techniques gave his much bigger opponents a run for their money. Now Mainoumi is a sumo commentator for NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation).


(追記2) もう一人青森県出身の著名力士として、伊勢ケ濱親方 (現役力士時代は第63代横綱旭富士) が挙げられます。

Postscript 2: Yet another well-known rikishi from Aomori prefecture is Isegahama oyakata (Isegahama stable master; as an active rikishi, he was Asahifuji, the 63rd yokozuna).