LIGHTNING FAST SAINT SAVER(HARDモード Ver1.1629) | やまだの「死ぬまでにゲームをつくりたい!!」






ふりーむ: (申請済、結果待ち)













LIGHTNING FAST SAINT SAVER is a fantasy-themed action game with shooting elements. Unlike traditional bullet hell shooters, where dodging intricate patterns of bullets is the main focus, this game takes a different approach. In LIGHTNING FAST SAINT SAVER, your goal is to skillfully aim and hit your opponents with bullets. The game features unique boss battles, each with its own personality and dialogue. Here are some key points about the game:

  • Gameplay Style: Rather than relying on bullet patterns, you’ll be aiming and shooting at enemies.
  • Controls: The game supports gamepads only.
  • Recommended Display: Playing on a large screen is recommended.
  • Local Storage: Game settings and progress are saved using local storage.
  • Boss Battles: The game’s highlight lies in its distinctive boss battles. Pay attention to the conversations and interactions during these encounters.
  • Difficulty: The difficulty level aims to strike a balance—not too easy, not too hard.
  • Available Levels: You can play through all eight levels, with the possibility of reaching one ending123.

If you’re up for a fantasy-themed action shooter with a twist, give LIGHTNING FAST SAINT SAVER a try! 🎮🌟


1.2.Plicy、3.ふりーむ、4.アメブロ でした。



※ 日本語が推測できるので、英語は何となくこうかなーと読んでます。


LIGHTNING FAST SAINT SAVER is a fantasy-themed action game with shooting elements. 




Unlike traditional bullet hell shooters, where dodging intricate patterns of bullets is the main focus, this game takes a different approach. 


伝統的な弾幕ゲームとは違う。bullet hell shooters!?


dodging 弾を当てるとかかな、ドッジボールの単語かな

intricate 入り組んだ・複雑、らしい。


In LIGHTNING FAST SAINT SAVER, your goal is to skillfully aim and hit your opponents with bullets. 


aim and hit 狙って撃つ。弾を敵に向かって。それがあなたの目的(?)



The game features unique boss battles, each with its own personality and dialogue. 



own personality 個性的。dialogue 会話。unique boss 個性的。battles 会話。


Here are some key points about the game: 特徴的な機能紹介。(こんなの書いたっけ?ありがたや)

  • Gameplay Style: Rather than relying on bullet patterns, you’ll be aiming and shooting at enemies.
    • 弾幕じゃなくて、狙うタイプのSTGです。みたいなところからかな(’’)
    • A Rather than B : Bよりも(むしろA)的な
  • Controls: The game supports gamepads only.
    • ゲームパッドだけです
  • Recommended Display: Playing on a large screen is recommended.
    • でっかい画面で遊んでね
  • Local Storage: Game settings and progress are saved using local storage.
    • 保存はローカルストレージにします。ここでいうローカルストレージはBrowserのローカルストレージですが
  • Boss Battles: The game’s highlight lies in its distinctive boss battles. Pay attention to the conversations and interactions during these encounters.
    • このゲームの売りは個性的なボスバトル。ボス戦の会話ややり取り(戦いのこと?)に注目してね
    • 「Pay attention to」は、「…に注意を払う」ですが、「注目してね!」だと思う。
    • 「distinctive」は独特。「conversations」は会話。「interactions」は相互(?)「encounters」はボス戦かな
    • 「lies in」にある。「A lies in B」で、AはBにある、AはBが主要因、みたいな
  • Difficulty: The difficulty level aims to strike a balance—not too easy, not too hard.
    • 難しさの目標は、簡単でも難しくもないバランスにした
  • Available Levels: You can play through all eight levels, with the possibility of reaching one ending123.
    • 8面プレイできますよ、1個のエンディングに到達できますよ。かな。
    • 「eight levels」8面か、表現好き。

If you’re up for a fantasy-themed action shooter with a twist, give LIGHTNING FAST SAINT SAVER a try! 🎮🌟


fantasy-themed action shooter」は、よく言う「ファンタジーアクションのようなシューティング」で

「with a twist」は、ちょっと今までにない、とか、ひねった、みたいなことかな(’’)


