
at first a Picture of my Car.. ... ;__;

Seiji's freetime + Concert Blog's.
... yeah..
I got a Crush with my car..
but noone is hurt..
That was.. my car.. its destroyed by fire.. --> 4 minutes fire..
so.. yeah.. there u can see... nothing is left of it on the front..
the hole motor and so on was melting away.. >.<"
The wheel was melting too xD" it was.. really bad.. standing there and waiting ... yeah..
now I have to find a new Car.

At second:
NExt to the shock of my Car... and the flames.. and my grandpa and a good friend of mine died.. I was down.. really down... and started smoking for four days.. Thusday till Friday..
Blackdevil-> taste sweety like Vanille <333 xDD"
Smoking was really relaxing.. for me.. don't know why but it was a bring me down thing... at this moment..
But for now I stopt already again, smoked my last at friday 11:30am.
Yeah.. got over it now I think....
Fuck this winter moments.

yeah.. and whats next :
My grandparents golden wedding was this weekend.. it was really funny I drunk a lot but was not drunken at all... really funny <3. But for now .3.
Enought Smoking and Drinking xDDD.

I have to prepare now for my last Test.

And.. I'am gonna making a tattoo maybe mid next week .3.
*happy desu*
What you think?->
Dragon and Kanjis .3. hope it wont hurt that much x.X"

=|| Come down Seiji ||=

Today an Angle saved my life....

My car was burnin..
I was watching.. just next to it...
can't do anything against it.... >.<" ....
I'am so happy to be alive.. I never feel such a big heartbeat till the moment I was standing next to the fire..
saw it .. a half meter in front of me.. and than.. I ran off my car... called the fireman's and.. waiting...
it feels endless the time you are waiting.... and waiting and waiting...
and nothing happens... till they come and stop the fire..
you can't do anything.. just watching and be happy to be alive..
be happy that you got an such big angle.. saved your own live... ...
I could never belive that something like that can happen x.X"......

maybe.. Now I have to cancle the trip to Japan..
>.<" just maybe don't know..
cause I need a new Car to go to work..

let's see How I can handle this >.<"

=|| Shocked Seiji ||=
Yeah ...

last days fallen some snow .3.

Great I love taking pictures with in or about snow x3

Seiji&#39;s freetime + Concert Blog&#39;s.

my car and the white points is falling snow <33
I love my great Camera it takes best pictures .3.

it's the only time the tempurature is normal warm for me xD"
otherwhise it's always to hot in germany x.X"

=|| Snowfriend Seiji ||=