
at first a Picture of my Car.. ... ;__;

Seiji's freetime + Concert Blog's.
... yeah..
I got a Crush with my car..
but noone is hurt..
That was.. my car.. its destroyed by fire.. --> 4 minutes fire..
so.. yeah.. there u can see... nothing is left of it on the front..
the hole motor and so on was melting away.. >.<"
The wheel was melting too xD" it was.. really bad.. standing there and waiting ... yeah..
now I have to find a new Car.

At second:
NExt to the shock of my Car... and the flames.. and my grandpa and a good friend of mine died.. I was down.. really down... and started smoking for four days.. Thusday till Friday..
Blackdevil-> taste sweety like Vanille <333 xDD"
Smoking was really relaxing.. for me.. don't know why but it was a bring me down thing... at this moment..
But for now I stopt already again, smoked my last at friday 11:30am.
Yeah.. got over it now I think....
Fuck this winter moments.

yeah.. and whats next :
My grandparents golden wedding was this weekend.. it was really funny I drunk a lot but was not drunken at all... really funny <3. But for now .3.
Enought Smoking and Drinking xDDD.

I have to prepare now for my last Test.

And.. I'am gonna making a tattoo maybe mid next week .3.
*happy desu*
What you think?->
Dragon and Kanjis .3. hope it wont hurt that much x.X"

=|| Come down Seiji ||=