



Rokkosan Ranch, located in Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture, is about an hour away from Osaka City by expressway. You can get there from Osaka Station in about 1 hour and 45 minutes by train and bus. Business hours are from 9am to 5pm.

六甲山牧场位于兵库县神户市,距离高速公路大阪市约一小时车程。从大阪站乘坐电车和巴士约1小时45分钟即可到达。营业时间为上午 9 点至下午 5 点。



The entire Rokkosan Farm map can be seen at a glance and is divided into three areas: South Area, North Area, and East Area. This map shows where the animals are located.





Fees are relatively inexpensive and vary depending on the time of year, but when I visited in April, the fee was 600 yen. The fee for children is the same at 200 yen regardless of the season.
收费相对较低,根据时间的不同而有所变化,我们四月份去的时候收费为600 日元。儿童无论在什么时候都要缴纳 200 日元的费用。



An event called Sheep Race will be held on June 2nd to determine which sheep is the fastest. The first 300 people can participate for free. I am always curious about how to make sheep run, how fast sheep can run, and so on.

一项名为“绵羊竞赛”的活动将于 6 月 2 日举行,以确定哪只羊跑得最快。前300人可以免费参加。我总是很好奇如何让羊跑,羊能跑多快等等。






There are many different kinds of animals on the farm, including sheep, goats, cows, horses, rabbits, and guinea pigs. On this day it was raining and the sheep were not grazing, but on a sunny day, visitors can experience petting and feeding the animals. You can also make your own cheese and butter using fresh milk.

农场里有许多不同种类的动物,包括绵羊、山羊、牛、马、兔子和豚鼠。 那天下雨,所以羊没有吃草,但在阳光明媚的日子里,你可以与动物互动并给它们喂食。 您还可以尝试用鲜牛奶制作奶酪和黄油。





There were two restaurants, one with higher and one with lower hamburger prices. We went to the lower priced restaurant and had the cheese hamburger for everyone. There was also a concession stand selling soft ice cream and meat rolled rice balls.

有两家餐厅,汉堡的价格有高有低。 我们去了一家低价餐厅,都吃了芝士汉堡。 还有其他商店出售软冰淇淋和肉包饭团。