




Since Kyoto has few tall buildings, people generally choose the observation deck of “Kyoto Tower” to view the entire city. However, this time I propose a hiking course that takes about 3 hours to view the city of Kyoto while enjoying nature.

京都很少有高楼大厦,要想俯瞰城市全景,最常见的选择就是“京都塔”的观景台。 但是,这次我们建议您选择三小时的徒步路线,在享受大自然的同时,可以欣赏到京都市的美景。




From Demachiyanagi Station, the last stop on the Keihan line, we head towards Ginkakuji Temple. The road along the road, which exudes a Showa-era atmosphere, is lined with retro cafes, ramen shops, and ethnic restaurants, and as we walk, Mt. Daimonji comes into view in the distance.





Once you cross Shirakawa Street, you will immediately feel the atmosphere of a tourist destination.  Heading south from Ginkakuji Bridge is the Philosopher's Path, but this time we will walk the approach to Ginkakuji.  It would be fun to stop by the souvenir shop here.





The official name of Ginkakuji is actually "Jishoji Temple." It is a designated World Heritage Site and one of Kyoto's most famous tourist spots. It looked like there would be a lot of people so we decided to just pass it by this time, but if we have the chance, it's a temple we'd definitely like to visit again.





Turn north in front of Ginkakuji Temple, then turn east in front of the shrine gate to reach the hiking trail. There are few signs in this area, so be careful. Look for the “Daimonji Entrance” sign. Follow the arrows and you’ll be fine.

在银阁寺前向北转,在八神神社鸟居前向东转,就成为了徒步路线。请注意,该区域的标志很少。 “大文字入口”标志将成为地标。只要按照箭头指示就可以了。




It's almost a straight road, but please pay attention to the sign "Daimonjiyama (fireplace/triangle point) →".  There are some steep slopes, so please take plenty of breaks as you climb.  There is also a point where you pass through the wire that carries the firewood for the bonfire.

这条路几乎是笔直的,但要注意 "大文字山(火炕和三角点)→"的标志。 有一些陡坡,上山时要注意休息。 还有一点,您需要穿过一条运送篝火用木柴的电线。




There are no obstacles from the fire floor to the downtown of Kyoto, so you can enjoy a 180-degree panoramic view.There is a unique feeling of air here, and you are caught up in the illusion that your body will rise.It is an experience that cannot be conveyed in photography.





There is a path leading to the summit from the top of the "大" and we recommend that you attempt the one-hour round trip from the fire floor. Although the summit does not offer as good a view as the fire floor, you can see as far as Daigo and Yamashina.
从 "大 "的顶端有一条通往山顶的小路,因此建议从火床出发往返一小时。 山顶的视野没有火床那么好,但可以眺望醍醐和山科地区。




This time, we descended in the direction of the "大" third picture and headed home from Jingu-marutamachi Station via the Philosopher's Path and Nyakuouji Shrine. However, if you want to enjoy eating and drinking, there are more options to head for Demachiyanagi Station on the same course as the outward journey.


