
Zero Fighter Project
Despite Difficulties, Flight Achieved in Japanese Skies after 72 Years
【ニッポンの新常識】Common Knowledge Revisited 104
 The Zero Fighter was the main fighter airplane for the Japanese Imperial Navy during the Greater East Asia War [World War II). 1940, the year when it was formally adopted, was year 2600 of the Imperial Era, so it was named the “Type Zero Carrier Fighter” after the last two digits in the number of the year.

 “Zero” is English, so people who are particular about such things call it “reisen” [“Rei Fighter”; zero is “rei” in Japanese]. However, during the war when the use of English was prohibited, it was not unusual for Japanese people to call it “Zero Sen.”

 When it was first deployed in combat, except for defensive capabilities, it was superior in almost every aspect, namely maneuverability, flight range, speed, and armaments, to the fighters of the United States and other allied nations.

 米空軍は42年7月、アリューシャン列島アクタン島に不時着した零戦を手に入れて、徹底的にテスト飛行をした。そして、12月には「Never attempt dog fight Zero(零戦に空中戦を挑むな)」と報告している。飛行機の発明国として屈辱だったはずだ。
 In July 1942, the U.S. military obtained a Zero Fighter which had ditched on Akutan Island in the Aleutians and carried out extensive trial flights with it. And it reported in December “Never attempt to dog fight the Zero.”

 Thereafter, the U.S. also developed advanced fighters and studied ways to strike the weaknesses of the Zero, so that from the middle of the war on the number of Zeros shot down greatly increased. Then toward the end of the war, these airplanes were used for kamikaze attacks, further depleting their numbers. The aircraft remaining at the end of the war were destroyed by GHQ (General Headquarters of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers).

 For that reason, there are only 4 Zero airplanes in the world which have been preserved in a functional condition and are capable of actually flying. All of them are in the United States.

 One is owned personally by a Japanese businessman named Masahide Ishizuka. In 2007, Mr. Ishizuka, who usually lives in New Zealand, started the “Zero Fighter Homecoming Project.” He expended a large amount of his own money to restore and maintain the Zero Fighter and was finally able to import it through the port in Yokohama in September 2014.

 He overcame numerous obstacles worthy of a novel by Naoki Hyakuta in getting customs clearance and obtaining flight certification under the aviation laws. Then on January 27, 2016, it took off from a Maritime Self-Defense Forces base in Kagoshima and flew for the first time in 72 years over its homeland.

 Mr. Ishizuka left Japan at age 19 and started his own successful business, but he is not extremely wealthy. He raised funds last year partly through crowd funding on the internet, but he met misfortune when the air show in which he was to participate was cancelled due to the Kumamoto earthquake and he was unable to make a demonstration flight in the Red Bull Air Race [in Chiba] due to the poor health of his U.S. pilot.

 In the absence of a major corporate sponsor, he is planning to set up a foundation to carry on the project. If that is not successful, then he is considering whether to accept defeat gracefully and sell the airplane. Your ideas and cooperation would be greatly appreciated.







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