
“News Girls” Controversy and Asahi Newspaper Editorial
No Contrition for False Stories about Comfort Women Still Circulated Abroad



【ニッポンの新常識】Common Knowledge Revisited 102

[For the information of foreign readers, Norikoe Netto is a citizens organization dedicated to eradicating hate speech and racism against Korean residents of Japan. Shin Su-gok is a third-generation Korean resident (non-citizen) of Japan, and is the nominal head of this organization. This organization has participated in anti-U.S. base demonstrations in Japan on the theory that the existence of the U.S. military bases is discrimination against the so-called Okinawan ethnic minority, a distinction which is not supported either in fact or in public opinion.

The Asahi Newspaper over a period of years published unsubstantiated, and thereafter thoroughly discredited, accounts of the so-called forced conscription by the Japanese military of Korean women to serve as prostitutes for Japanese troops during World War II. While retracting the offending accounts, it has not offered an apology.]

 Asahi Newspaper, in an editorial on January 28th, criticized a DHC Theater “News Girls” broadcast on Tokyo MX Television. I will delete the first part.


 “Running a program which is not based on fact and which creates prejudice and discrimination against specific people should not have occurred.”


 I will explain later why Asahi Newspaper has no standing to be criticizing Tokyo MX TV or DHC Theater. The editorial continues as follows.


 “Shin Su-gok of the citizens group ‘Norikoe Netto’ [Overcome Network], which has been supporting the opposition movement [in Okinawa], has filed a complaint with the Broadcasting Ethics and Program Improvement Organization (BPO) broadcast human rights committee alleging human rights violations.


 In the Takae district of Okinawa, helipads have been constructed so that [U.S. military] control of 4,010 hectares of the 7,543 hectare [U.S. Marine] Northern Training Area could be released. This construction was necessary so that the “base could be returned to Japanese control” as desired by both Japan and the U.S. Some persons not possessing either Japanese or U.S. citizenship have regarded this as a problem. I can understand that some portions of the media have questions.


 In a video posted on YouTube, Shin has admitted that some Korean residents of Japan were included in the opposition movement. Regarding helicopters ferrying supplies to Takae, she advocated the “release of balloons” or “sending [obstuctionist] gliders aloft.” What if this were to cause a helicopter crash?


 Some residents of Takae complain that extreme opposition activities by people from outside Okinawa Prefecture are trouble. It is a fact that Norikoe Netto,” of which Shin is a joint representative, recruited “special activists” who were offered round-trip airfare [to go to Okinawa and participate in opposition activities] in the amount of 50,000 yen.


 Now for the summation of the Asahi Newspaper editorial.

 “Using broadcasts to incite friction or create divisions among the people must be vigorously denounced.”


 Pursuant to the research of Tesuhide Yamaoka, who succeeded in stopping the construction of a comfort woman statue in Australia, I took a look at the Asahi Newspaper English site of January 26th.


 朝日は、日本語では単に「慰安婦」と書く部分を、英語では「women who were forced to provide sex to Japanese troops」(日本兵にセックスを強制された女性)と表現していた。
 In Japanese, the Asahi Newspaper refers to these women only as “comfort women,” but in English they are referred to as “women who were forced to provide sex to Japanese troops.”


 Asahi shows no contrition for its false reports on comfort women, but rather continues to spread abroad “English which incites discrimination and prejudice against Japanese people without any basis in fact.” I think the Asahi Newspaper itself is the one who should be the object of criticism here.









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