
Voter Disparity Not Dispositive
Absurd If the Only Purpose Is to Prevent Constitutional Amendment



【ニッポンの新常識】Common Knowledge Revisited 91


A series of judgments have been issued in lawsuits filed in high courts and branches of high courts in Okayama, Kanazawa, Takamatsu, Tokyo, Miyazaki, Akita, Osaka, Naha, Matsue, Hiroshima, Fukuoka, and Sapporo over the issue of whether the House of Councilors election held on July 10th was unconstitutional or void because of the disparity between values of votes in different constituencies


The Japanese Constitution provides as follows.


Article 14(1) “All of the people are equal under the law and there shall be no discrimination in political, economic or social relations because of race, creed, sex, social status or family origin.”

Article 44 “The qualifications of members of both Houses and their electors shall be fixed by law. However, there shall be no discrimination because of race, creed, sex, social status, family origin, education, property or income.”


In democratic countries, the principle in general elections is that each person should have one equal vote. However, when an election is held in multiple electoral districts, depending on how the districts are apportioned, it may be that there are districts where a candidate can win with only 50,000 votes whereas in other districts a candidate may need 100,000 votes to win.


From the standpoint of the voter, depending on where they live, their vote may count not as 1 vote, but as 0.5 votes. And from the standpoint of a candidate, there is inequality in that a candidate can lose an election while having more votes than another candidate who wins.


In the 14 courts where suits over constitutionality or validity of the election was contested, as of November 4th, 5 courts have ruled the election constitutional, and 8 courts have ruled the election as “in a state of unconstitutionality.”


In recent years, these lawsuits over “vote disparity” have been filed throughout the nation every time a national election is held, and many of the judgments have ruled the elections unconstitutional. In the last Upper House election where Tottori Prefecture and Shimane Prefecture were apportioned into one district and Tokushima Prefecture and Kochi Prefecture were apportioned into another district, this was the first time that districts crossed prefectural borders. It is true that this may be considered the basis for unconstitutionality.


However, correcting vote disparity may not be the only correct democratic answer or absolute justice.


In the United States, strict reapportionment for the House of Representatives is conducted based on the census every ten years, but each of the 50 states has two representatives, for a total of 100.



Comparing the state of California with a population of 37 million people and the state of Wyoming with a population of 570 thousand people, the Senate vote disparity is 65 times. The value of a vote in California is 0.015 the value of a single vote in Wyoming. In my home state of Utah with a population of 2.7 million people, the Senate disparity is 0.21, but this is a system to “preserve the equality of the states and make the voice of each state equal in the Senate,” and I have never felt it to be unfair.



Among the people pushing for abolition of disparities, there are people who advocate that they “cannot accept a vote on any constitutional amendment by diet members elected in an election held in a state of unconstitutionality.”


This is absurd if their true purpose is “to prevent any constitutional amendment” at all.







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