靖国神社の誤解を解く講演会 23日東京で開催
Speech Debunking Myths about Yasukuni Shrine on Oct. 23 in Tokyo




【ニッポンの新常識】Common Knowledge Revisited 89


Next Sunday (October 23rd), I will give the keynote speech at the 18th annual Yasukuni Shrine Support Association Open Symposium to be held at Hotel Grand Palace in Kudanshita, Tokyo. This event is backed by the Sankei Newspaper.


Following the keynote speech, I will also participate in a question and answer session moderated by Meisei University Distinguished Professor Shiro Takahashi. Admission is free, but there are only 600 seats. The event runs from 2:00 p.m.to 4:30 p.m.


The topic is “The Cause of Public Misunderstanding of Yasukuni Shrine.” The following is a quote from materials to be distributed at the event.


“Hurdles to visiting Yasukuni Shrine are high. The first time I entered the grounds was during the spring when I had lived in Tokyo for over 34 years. I was impressed with the pervasive air of sacred dignity despite its location in the center of the bustling Tokyo metropolis, and with the impartial exhibits contained in the Yushukan Museum. Therefore, I decided to look into the reason why I had misunderstood this place for so many years.”


Many foreigners living in Japan take relatives or friends visiting Japan to temple or shrines to show them typically Japanese places.


In Tokyo, the standard course is Meiji Shrine or Sensoji (Asakusa). However, even though it is very famous, the grand majority of people not only do not take their friends to Yasukuni Shrine, but indeed have never visited it themselves.


After all, Yasukuni Shrine is the only shrine where, when prime ministers or cabinet members visit it, they are roundly criticized by the media and other politicians.


This week on the 17th, in conjunction with the “Autumn Festival” Prime Minister Shinzo Abe sent an offering of a masakaki branch [evergreen trees planted or used in shrines], and this was immediately reported by NHK and TV Asahi.



In addition, despite being an interference in internal affairs and a violation of freedom of religion, the People’s Republic of China (PRC), Korea, and even the United States government announce expressions of regret whenever a prime minister visits Yasukuni Shrine. And from time to time, it is the target of terrorist incidents.


For many years, I wondered whether there was any reason for me to visit since it enshrines Class A war criminals, and thought it would be best to move those Class A war criminals to a separate shrine.


Upon reflection, I am now embarrassed to realize how sadly misinformed I was about the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal and the Shinto religion.


Not only foreigners living in Japan, but Japanese themselves feel strong misgivings about visiting Yasukuni Shrine. There are even some among powerful diet members who have served as members of the cabinet that are critical of visiting Yasukuni. I am not saying that it is necessarily intentional, but that would be a natural reaction from viewing Japanese media.


People who, having never set foot on the grounds or viewed the exhibits in the Yushukan Museum, nevertheless have a negative image of Yasukuni Shrine like I did until a few years ago, have fallen into a media trap. I intend to deliver a speech which will release them from that mind control.







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