

Problems with Capital Punishment and “Fools Who Want to Kill Other People”
Jakucho’s Qualifications as a Religionist Questioned



【ニッポンの新常識】Common Knowledge Revisited 88


 On October 7th at a Human Rights Defense Convention held in Fukui City, the Japan Federation of Bar Associations (JFBA) adopted by a majority vote a draft declaration calling for the abolition of the death penalty by the year 2020. It is compulsory for all attorneys in Japan to belong to the JFBA. Thus, adoption by a “majority vote” gives the impression that a majority of all the attorneys in Japan are in favor of abolishing capital punishment.


 In actuality, of the 37,000 total members, only 786 participated in the voting: 546 in favor, 96 opposed, and 144 abstentions. There was no provision for proxy voting by the roughly 98% who could not attend. I have long questioned the reason for the various policies espoused by the JFBA, but this solved the mystery.


 A video shown at the convention containing a message from author Jakucho Setouchi has become a hot topic on the internet. [Jakucho Setouchi is a 93-year-old Buddhist nun https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jakucho_Setouchi]


 Jakucho called the Japanese capital punishment system “shameful” and said “Humans killing other humans is the highest form of barbarianism. Please continue to intone in a loud voice ‘we will not kill.’” And she urged the attendees to “fight against the fools who want to kill other people.”


 It is possible to receive capital punishment for insurrection (Criminal Code Art. 77) and instigation of foreign aggression (Criminal Code Art. 81), but the only people who have been sentenced to death in the postwar period are people who deliberately took the life of another, or their co-conspirators.


 In other words, the label of “fools who want to kill other people” also applies to those who have received the death sentence.


 If her statements in the video represent her true feelings toward the bereaved families of capital crime victims who desire to have the murderers executed, then her qualifications as a religionist are called into question.


 In a survey by the Cabinet Office, 80% of Japanese replied that “capital punishment is unavoidable,” and those who answered that “capital punishment should not be abolished” even if life imprisonment became possible were in the majority.


 Do the 546 attorneys who voted in favor of abolishing capital punishment and Jakucho think that a majority of Japanese people are “fools?” Who are the arrogant “fools?”


 Many people may think that advanced countries, as in the case of the EU, have abolished capital punishment, and that the countries that continue to carry out capital punishment are “barbarian.”


 Philippine President Duterte proclaimed that drug dealers could be shot dead. Not only police, but vigilante groups are also killing drug dealers. This certainly is barbarian, but the Philippines abolished capital punishment in 2006.


 In the U.S., capital punishment has been abolished in 19 states and 6 territories, comprising 25 legislative entities. As of the end of this year, 13 states will have stopped executions for more than 10 years. On the other hand, shootings of suspects by police officers occur almost daily.


 Japan carries out capital punishment strictly in accordance with the legal system, and it contributes to peace and order. The populace endorses that. What is the problem?







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