
Governor Koike Reforms Apply Nationwide
Tokyo Olympics, New Toyosu Fish Market…



【ニッポンの新常識】Common Knowledge Revisited 87


The follow-up report issued the other day by a Tokyo Metropolitan Government investigative team estimated that the total cost for the 2020 Olympics and Paralympics may end up as high as 3 billion dollars. This is more than four times the estimated cost of 734 million dollars listed in the original bid, far outside any reasonable margin of error.


Tomoyuki Suzuki, the former Tokyo government section chief when Tokyo was vying for the 2016 Olympics, speaking on the October 4th Fuji TV show “Viking,” said that an increase in costs was somewhat expected from the beginning. He also revealed that “since that time the top leaders have expected costs of 2 or 3 billion dollars.”


As a long-term taxpayer and resident of Tokyo, I cannot hide my surprise and outrage at the various problems surrounding the move to the new Toyosu Fish Market (in Koto Ward), or expenses for former governor Yoichi Masuzoe’s foreign junkets, or in short, the overall loose way the metropolitan government is run.


The old saying goes “You can’t fool with vermillion without turning red” [you cannot keep bad company without being corrupted too], so if everyone around you is irresponsible, do you also behave irresponsibly? If so, then your ethics and morals are hardly any different from the Chinese Communist Party where graft and bribery are the norm.


In the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly, on October 4th Governor Yuriko Koike fielded questions from the assembly members for the first time.


The Tokyo Metropolitan Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) organization has not abandoned its confrontational stance toward Koike and her push for reform even though the party organization was trounced in the gubernatorial election.


The head[“Don”] of the metropolitan assembly, Shigeru Uchida, had his eyes closed during most of the questioning. At age 77, perhaps he is exhausted by the constant pressure of late. But if he is just playing possum, then he is like junior high and high school students who rebel against school guidance counselors.


Uchida has no media plan, takes an arrogant attitude toward the press, and shows an angry expression in front of cameras. He is unable to deal with big change.


There has been no change in the stage (the metropolitan assembly) or the actors (metropolitan assembly members), but to use showbiz language, the governor “has the ratings.”


The major television stations are broadcasting the metropolitan assembly proceedings live because they think that with the Toyosu Fish Market and Tokyo Olympic problems, the general public is highly interested. The issue of governmental reform in Tokyo has been elevated from a local Tokyo problem to a matter of national interest. Not only the Tokyo Metropolitan LDP organization but the national LDP need to take this change into account.


Not only the metropolitan bureaucrats and the metropolitan assembly members themselves, but general contractors and various companies who have contracts with public entities or the Tokyo Metropolitan Government cannot continue to carry on business in the same way. With public interest running so high on both a local and national level, one misstep could lead to discipline or dismissal for bureaucrats, or election loss for assembly members. If improper back-scratching relationships exist, that could be a fatal blow for big companies, too.


For the time being, we cannot take our eyes off the Koike administration.








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