報道されないヒラリー氏の本当の病状 一部メディアは記事削除にブロック

Hillary’s Unreported Serious Medical Condition
Reports Blocked or Deleted by Some Media

【ニッポンの新常識】Common Knowledge Revisited 84


 On September 11th, 15 years after the terrorist bombings in the heart of America, a commemorative ceremony was held in New York. Democratic presidential candidate and former secretary of state Hillary Clinton and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump were in attendance.


 However, Clinton fell ill and left the ceremony early. According to the official announcement, “she was suffering from pneumonia and became dehydrated due to the heat.” She canceled the trip to California she had scheduled for September 12th and 13th.


 There probably aren’t very many internet users who believe this official announcement.


 The long-established U.S. conservative internet news site “Drudge Report” in early August carried a picture of Hillary being helped up a short stairway by her aides under the headline “2016: Hillary Conquers the Stairs.”


 Starting around this time on the internet, doubts about Hillary’s health over the last few years increased dramatically.


 One reporter wrote two articles on a liberal internet news site to the effect that “It is doubtful that 68-year-old Hillary Clinton does not have any health problems. As a presidential candidate, she should give a full report of her health issues.”


 However, the site unilaterally deleted his articles and blocked his account. This example shows that rather than oppression of free speech by those in power, the “voluntary restraints” of the media based on self-preservation and profit maximization are the biggest threat to “freedom of the press.”


 It is a fact that Hillary has fallen several times, had coughing fits during speeches, gone stiff like a hamster, and shown painful facial expressions.


 A search of the internet turns up articles and video clips by many doctors who divulge their names and credentials and point out the possibility that these symptoms are due to Parkinson’s disease. It is hard to think that these convincing explanations are simply self-promotion or election obstruction.


 The electorate chooses who they will vote for based on various information. That is precisely why the U.S. Constitution, in the First Amendment, guarantees “freedom of the press” including “freedom of speech” before other civil rights.


 A candidate releases false information. A profit-driven media fails to verify information. Or, information is hidden or covered up. All of these are an affront to democracy.


 Hillary has somehow slipped through various crises time and again. But if this is Parkinson’s disease, it will continue to progress. Stop-gap measures are not only meaningless, but will bring harm to the whole world.


 I urge her either to make explanations sufficient to clear up the doubts of the electorate or else to give up the Democratic Party endorsement.






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