
Prime Minister’s Visit to Yasukuni Shrine and Asahi Newspaper
Leftist Media Propaganda Created This Problem



【ニッポンの新常識】Common Knowledge Revisited 80

The reason that visits to Yasukuni Shrine by the prime minister and cabinet members became a political problem was propaganda by the Asahi Newspaper and other leftist media.


The leftish media opposes visits by the prime minister, etc. for the reasons that “Yasukuni Shrine is a symbol of militarism” or “Class A war criminals are enshrined there.”


If one does not confirm the facts, including me until a few years ago, one can be easily deceived by the repeated assertions of mainstream media.


From the end of the war (August 1945) until April 1975, prime ministers visited the shrine at least 30 times. Emperor Showa also visited many times. No media reports questioning this practice of visits during that time by public officials can be found.


It is true that GHQ (General Headquarters) at one point thought of Yasukuni Shrine as a symbol of militarism and considered tearing it down, but in the end it did not pursue the issue. During the time immediately after the war when wartime sentiments still ran high, not only the Japanese people, but the allies, including Nationalist China, made no issue of the prime ministers’ visits.


Visits by prime ministers occurred most frequently during regularly held festivals in the spring and autumn, but when then-Prime Minister Takeo Miki visited the shrine on the anniversary of the end of the war on August 15, 1975, journalists asked him whether his visit was in his personal capacity or in his official capacity, and Prime Minister Miki replied that he visited “in my personal capacity.”



The leftist media, dressing this matter up as a question of separation of church and state under the constitution, made an issue of whether the visit was in a personal or official capacity. Some opposition parties and religious organizations jumped into the fray, and thereafter Emperor Showa stopped visiting Yasukuni Shrine.


When Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone visited Yasukuni Shrine on August 15, 1985, Asahi Newspaper suddenly turned this issue into a huge media campaign. During August alone, it ran over 100 articles. Other leftist media and oppositions parties followed suit, and large anti-Japanese movements in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and Korea resulted. It was as if a thorny “diplomatic issue” was delivered on a platter to the PRC and Korea.



Isn’t it natural for a prime minister and cabinet members as representatives of the people to visit the place where patriots who gave their precious lives during the war are enshrined and offer condolences and respect to the departed souls? For Japan, Yasukuni Shrine is very similar to the Arlington National Cemetery in the United States.


Not only Japanese people, but even I myself was cleverly deceived by this leftist media propaganda.


In subsequent articles, I will give a detailed description of the issue of “Class A war criminals” together with the history of the sudden postwar transformation of Asahi Newspaper, which during the war fanned militarism with talk of “100 million honorable deaths,” into the foremost critic of the government.







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