
Gubernatorial Election: Horrible Rally Speeches
Pity Those Who Cast Votes Based upon Organizational Decisions



【ニッポンの新常識】Common Knowledge Revisited 76


The Upper House election has ended just in time for the Tokyo gubernatorial election to begin. In Japan, there are six different elections to choose representatives, namely the Lower House and Upper House elections, gubernatorial and representative assembly elections for the various prefectures, and mayoral and representative assembly elections for the cities, towns and villages. Thus, it is not unusual to have several elections in any given year.



There is just one reason to spend so much time and money on six different elections, which is that the representatives each fulfill a separate function.



The role of the governor of Tokyo is to exert his efforts in protecting and enhancing the security, health and cultural life of the Tokyo residents. It seemed to me that former governor Masuzoe, who resigned, did not understand the responsibilities of his office. We witnessed on several occasions instances where he placed his priorities on the interests and feelings of Koreans and Korean residents of Japan over those of the Tokyo residents.



Mr. Masuzoe was intent to the end on attending the hand-off ceremony at the Rio Olympics. I was left with the impression that he became governor because he craved the limelight.



We do not need another governor whose top priority is self-satisfaction, but we also definitely do not need a governor whose principle consideration after having been elected is to return favors to the party and supporters who supported him or her in the election.



I do not discount the Japanese mentality of human feelings and duty, but his or her role is not to use the hard-earned taxes of the Tokyo residents to protect the vested interests of those involved in the election. There is one candidate about whom we especially need to be concerned on this point if he wins the election.



21 people have stood for election this time. There are some so-called “frivolous” candidates whose only purpose is not to win the election but to seek publicity. The potentially non-refundable cost to register is 3,000,000 yen, the highest in the world, but this is actually quite cheap advertising considering the fact that campaign bulletins will be distributed to several million households.



Upon reading the campaign bulletins, it is clear that there are several so-called “frivolous” candidates who advocate much better policies than the policies of those being touted by the media as the leading candidates.



Presidential candidate and real estate mogul Donald Trump was at first considered a so-called “frivolous” candidate. But through open debates and the strategy of the media he gained support and won the primary election campaign.



Unfortunately, in Japan the chances that a so-called frivolous candidate could turn the tables are approximately zero. This is because the majority of voters choose based only upon name recognition and party affiliation. This is a flaw in the Japanese electoral system, but there are precious few cries for reform.



It is possible to view the election rally speeches and past statements of the candidates on YouTube, etc. A certain candidate has been lambasted on the internet for his horrible rally speeches and previous statements, but he will probably receive a certain number of organized votes.



Voters who, after viewing those rally speeches, nevertheless decide to cast a vote based upon an organizational decision must be experiencing a great deal of mental conflict. Pity them.





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