オール沖縄「県民大会」の虚実 ウソつきの片棒を担ぐメディア
All-Okinawa: “Prefectural Citizens’ Demonstration” -– Turning Falsehoods into Truth
Media Complicit in Lies



【ニッポンの新常識】Common Knowledge Revisited 72


 On the 19th, a “prefectural citizens’ demonstration” in protest over a U.S. military-related contractor who was arrested for the rape and murder of an Okinawan female was held in Naha, Okinawa. I pray for the repose of the soul of the victim and express my deepest condolences to the bereaved family.


 Governor Takeshi Onaga participated in the demonstration, which was attended by 65,000 people. However, as usual these figures are according to the organizers. Sankei Newspaper estimated the attendance at “about 30,000.”


 In August of last year when the Security Bills were being debated in the Upper House, the student group SEALDs announced that 130,000 protesters gathered in front of the Diet building with a total of 350,000 in the vicinity. The police reported the number to be 30,000. Most of the demonstrators were baby boomers with only scattered participation by young people.


 I am always irritated when the organizers of these kinds of events exaggerate their attendance figures. In addition, I would like to say to the media, who use the term “according to organizers” as an excuse to use suspicious raw numbers, “Don’t be complicit in lies!”


 Japanese who were taught from youth “Show me a liar, and I will show you a thief” may be the people most averse to lies in the whole world.



 People who lie without batting an eyelid are scorned and avoided, and they have a hard time fitting in with this Japanese society. That’s why all the liars in Japan tend to gravitate to special organizations which value the ability to tell lies and help each other out.


 There were other lies about the current “prefectural citizens’ demonstration.” The main one is that there were lots of participants from outside the prefecture. Sankei Newspaper reported that there were easily more than 100 groups trailing banners in and around the venue when it began, such as the “Yamagata Prefecture Heiwa Center,” “North Kanto Article 9 Federation,” and the “Chiba Labor Union Federation.”


 We hear that dues automatically deducted from the pay of company workers and public employees are used for the activities of such groups. Many people probably do not fully realize that they are “a party to left-wing activities.”


 Former Upper House member Mio Sugita revealed her experience when she was an employee at the City Hall of Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Prefecture in “The ‘True State’ of Public Servant Unions.” I recommend it highly.


 At the beginning of the demonstration an announcement was made to take down the banners of each organization. They seem to have learned a little from the previous demonstration where they “covered their head but left their bottom exposed.”


 It was a thrilling sight when the participants all raised yellow placards stating “Our Anger Exceeds Limits.” It was a faithful restaging of the sights which could be seen in Tiananmen Square of Peking, China in the days of Mao Tse-tung. It felt more like a political rally specifically for the Upper House election than a memorial service.


 If the U.S. forces were thrown out, just as with the Uighurs and Tibetans, the People’s Liberation Army would no doubt overrun Okinawa. What will these organizations from outside the prefecture then do? If they have run out on Okinawa by then, they will have gone too far with their irresponsibility.



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