中国軍艦の尖閣諸島周辺侵入に無反応の沖縄知事 東京都知事以上に不適任
No Reaction from Okinawa Governor to Chinese Warship Intrusion in Senkaku Islands
More Incompetent than Tokyo Governor


【ニッポンの新常識】Common Knowledge Revisited 71

 On the 9th, a Chinese navy frigate intruded into the contiguous zone surrounding the Senkaku Islands for the first time. Until now, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) ships showing up around the Senkaku Islands were official vessels of the Chinese Maritime Patrol, a police organization, which roughly equates to the Japanese coast guard.


 Starting at the end of last year, these ships became retrofitted navy frigates carrying autocannons. This escalated the provocation of Japan, but now actual Chinese navy frigates have appeared, and the threat level has risen another degree.


 The whole chain of events constitutes a blatant threat that “We (PRC) are making preparations to take the Senkaku Islands by military force.”


 It is said that as a continental nation the PRC’s navy is not necessarily that strong. By contrast, the maritime self-defense forces of the maritime nation of Japan have high morale and proficiency, and the ground self-defense forces have landing forces like the U.S. marines, so in the event that the Senkaku Islands are temporarily occupied, Japan should be able to recover them.




 The problem is that the PRC would probably also make a second, third, and if that was not sufficient, even a fourth attack. The persistence of the PRC is certified.


 In such a case, a military force would normally attack the enemy’s ports, other military facilities, and supply lines to prevent a second attack.


 However, under Article 9 of the Constitution, Japan’s self-defense forces are tied down to an “exclusively defensive posture.” They cannot attack within the enemy’s territory.


 Compare this to a wrestling match.


 The PRC, as the “bad guy” wrestler, if it feels disadvantaged at winning inside the ring, can bring in new lethal weapons from outside the ring at will. However Japan, as the “good guy” wrestler, can only watch from inside the ring.


 The role of fighting outside the ring to prevent the lethal weapons from being introduced into the ring is left to the U.S. military under the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty. However, if the president of the United States decides “these are just some worthless uninhabited islands,” then the U.S. will not fight outside the ring. And the good guy wrestler’s strength will eventually be exhausted.


 The PRC keeps an eye on its opponent and gradually infringes on its interests, creating a series of faits accomplis, and finally usurps all the interests of the opponent. This is the same old trick being used in the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea. It is imperative to take action at the earliest stage.


 Yoshitaka Nakayama, mayor of Ishikawa City in Okinawa, stated “We have a strong sense of impending crisis.” On the other hand, we hear no pertinent statements from Takeshi Onaga, the governor of Okinawa.


 Compared with the governor of Tokyo, who seems to have scant interest in the welfare of the citizens of Tokyo, the governor of Okinawa, who has scant interest in the defense of minor islands, is at the very least as incompetent. Am I the only one who thinks he is even worse?



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