Opponents of Security Legislation Have a Mistaken Understanding of the Past, Present, and Future



【ニッポンの新常識】Common Knowledge Revisited 65

 In response to the earthquake in Kumamoto, Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), sent a message to the emperor saying “On behalf of the government and people of China, I offer my feelings of condolence.”


 On the other hand, immediately following the earthquake, Chinese coast guard vessels and Chinese navy frigates have conducted operations in the waters around Okinawa and actually intruded into the 200-mile economic zone. Chinese military airborne early warning system F-8 fighters have been sent into the air defense identification zone between the main island of Okinawa and Miyakojima Island, forcing the Air Self-Defense fighters to scramble.


 In other words, while the PRC voices sympathy for the earthquake, it is continuing provocative operations against Japan. Japanese who believe in the innate goodness of others may be angered by the two-faced PRC actions, but they should realize that this is common sense in international society.


 The “sense of fair play” so highly valued in the sports world does not exist in the ruthless competition over national interests in international society.




 At the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, open-weight division Japanese judo fighter Yasuhiro Yamashita, despite an injury to his right foot, won all his matches by an ippon.


 It was said that Egyptian fighter Mohamed Ali Rashwan, when he faced Yamashita in the finals, did not strike against Yamashita’s injured right foot in the spirit of fair play. Many readers will remember this incident. The media widely covered this action as laudatory.


 However, there is a sequel. Yamashita could not say at the time that this “laudatory action was not true.”


 But later, while recognizing that Rashwan fought fair and square, Yamashita said “It is not true that Rashwan avoided attacking from the right due to the injury,” “when I tried to execute a right sweeping hip-to-loin throw Rashwan went after my right foot” and “throwing your own strong point against the opponent’s weak point is the sign of a true fighter. If my best technique involved going against the opponent’s weakness, I would attack without hesitation.”


 This episode indicates the danger of believing media reports without reservation as well as the importance of updating data and common knowledge.


 In Kumamoto, the birthplace of Yamashita, several incidents of looting have been reported following the earthquake. It is not surprising that the PRC would now be trying to engage in looting on a national scale. At the end of World War II, immediately after Japan sustained enormous damage from the atomic bombs, the USSR began a military offensive. It did not stop its advance even after Japan accepted the Potsdam Declaration and wrested control over the Northern Territories [Kurile Islands].


 Calling the PRC looters “reprehensible” is meaningless. That is precisely why a strong deterrence is important. Those who continue to oppose the Security Legislation have a mistaken understanding of the past, present, and future.



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