PRCには法も常識も通用しない 日本人は「平和ボケ」している場合ではない
International Law Not Recognized in the PRC, This is No Time for Japan to be Complacent about Peace.

【ニッポンの新常識】Common Knowledge Revisited 59


 A large scale fishing vessel from the People’s Republic of China (PRC) which was engaged in illegal fishing operations in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) off the coast of Argentina in the South Pacific was sunk by the Argentine Coast Guard. Despite warnings by the Argentine Coast Guard, the ship turned off its lights and tried to ram the coast guard vessel, and then tried to escape.

 Under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, a country has exclusive rights to fishing and recovery of minerals within the EEC, which is set at 200 nautical miles (about 370 kilometers) from that country’s coast. This right of course includes the right to forcibly remove an intruding vessel.


 In this kind of case, each country’s coast guard can exercise military force as necessary to attack an offender. As in the case of Indonesia, some countries blow up ships seized because of illegal operations. This is to make it known to offenders that “illegal operations are not worth it.” It is a deterrent to repeated offenses.

 Lawless countries take advantage of the fact that the Japanese Coast Guard does not exercise the right to eliminate illegal offenders as provided by international law.

 PRC registered fishing vessels intrude on the Senkaku Islands of Okinawa on a daily basis. The year before last, a fleet of PRC fishing vessels made off with a huge catch of precious red coral around the Ogasawara Islands and Izu Islands of Tokyo Metropolitan Prefecture.

 If, because of Article 9 of the Constitution, the Japanese Coast Guard and Maritime Self-Defense Forces at not able to perform the duties which they rightfully should carry out in light of international law, the Diet should hasten to make the necessary legal reforms. Inattention to the fact that the lives and property of citizens are threatened must be seen as a sin of omission committed by the Diet.

 Regarding the sinking of the ship off the coast of Argentina, the PRC Foreign Ministry expressed “deep concern” and demanded that the Argentina government ensure the safety of the crew and prevent such incidents in the future, but did not make a formal “protest.”

 Just as we thought that the PRC had uncharacteristically showed respect for international law, more amazing news came in.

 An Indonesian surveillance ship seized a PRC fishing vessel engaged in illegal operations within the Indonesian EEZ, and while escorting it to territorial waters, the PRC fishing vessel tried to ram the surveillance vessel and another PRC vessel hurried to the scene and took the fishing vessel away by force.

 No country can completely prevent a portion of the citizenry from becoming lawless.

 However, for its official vessel to obstruct the proper performance of official duties by another country through the use of force such as ramming a ship must mean that the PRC does not recognize international law, international treaties, or international common sense. This is no time for Japan to be complacent about peace.


危険な沖縄 親日米国人のホンネ警告/産経新聞出版




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