【ニッポンの新常識】 Common Knowledge Revisited 55


Momentum Grows for Constitutional Revision While Media Supporters of Current Constitution Exercise “Right Not To Report”


 In a joint opinion poll by Sankei Newspaper and FNN, in response to the question “Is the current constitution in line with the times?” 54.9% of respondents replied in the negative. The momentum for constitutional revision is clearly growing, but a large number of people do not feel it.

 Of the 47 prefectural assemblies, 32 (70%) have adopted resolutions calling for swift action by the National Diet on constitutional revision. 55 municipalities have also done the same, but I think this is probably the first time a majority of people have been made aware of that fact.


 The reason is that the “media supporters of the current constitution” avoid reporting supporting arguments for revision. This is their favorite stunt: to exercise the right not to report on something. If it is not intentional, then their news gathering ability is in question.

 At the present time, the remaining 30% consists of the 15 prefectures of Hokkaido, Aomori, Iwate, Fukushima, Yamanashi, Nagano, Aichi, Mie, Nara, Shiga, Hiroshima, Shimane, Tottori, Fukuoka, and Okinawa.

 304 of the 475 members of the Lower House (64%) and 123 of the 242 members of the Upper House (50.8%) have signed a request for swift implementation of constitutional revision.

 The other day I found some catch copy of the internet that read “We don’t need a prime minister who can’t read the constitution” and watched the video clip of a demonstration where they shouted over and over “Obey the constitution!” Here’s what I have to say to the demonstrators: “Have you read the text of the Japanese Constitution?”

 Article 9(2) reads: “. . . land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained.” By a normal reading, the self-defense forces are unconstitutional. It is sophistry to argue that “this paragraph does not outlaw the right of individual self-defense, so in those limited circumstances it is constitutional.” Until now, the end has simply been recognized as justifying the means.

 Not only in the case of the constitution, but when any laws, regulations, school rules, etc. are not consistent with reality, the rightful thing to do is to make the rules match reality (revise the constitution) or else make reality fit the rules (abandon the right to self-defense). People who stifle debate over how to resolve the inconsistency with emotional jingoism have no business talking about the rule of law or constitutionalism.

 It was reported that on the 20th, former Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama stated at a Social Democratic Party function that “Abe changed the constitutional interpretation to serve his own purposes.” When Murayama became the prime minister in 1994, he changed the Socialist Party interpretation which had long held that the self-defense forces are unconstitutional per se and suddenly morphed into a supporter of maintaining the current constitution.

 Murayama himself made a change in interpretation to match reality and present circumstances. Accordingly, his current assertions, which play innocent about his past, lack credulity.

 The limit has been reached for dealing with constitutional interpretation through superficial and piecemeal approaches, and the majority of the public has realized this. How long will the “media supporters of the current constitution” bury their heads in the sand?




危険な沖縄 親日米国人のホンネ警告/産経新聞出版





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