ニッポンの新常識 Common Knowledge Revisited(49)

北の核実験抗議決議 参院32人欠席・棄権の呆れた実態
Diet Resolution Protesting North Korean Nuclear Test:
32 Upper House Members Unbelievably Were Absent or Abstained


 North Korea carried out its fourth nuclear test on January 6th. It was announced as a “hydrogen bomb test.” That has not been verified, but compared with a nuclear bomb utilizing nuclear fission, a hydrogen bomb utilizing nuclear fusion has much greater destructive power.

 The hydrogen bomb “Tsar Bomba” tested by the USSR in 1961 was 3,300 times more powerful than the Hiroshima nuclear bomb “Little Boy.” Neutron bombs using neutrons which can pass through concrete so that they can kill people without destroying structures are one type of hydrogen bomb.

 Hydrogen bombs require very advanced technology, so it is hard to think that North Korea has actually succeeded with their development. Air Self-Defense Force aircraft have not detected on dust collected from the atmosphere any of the man-made radioactive substances which should have been produced if the experiment had been successful.

 Even if it was a bluff, there should be a concensus of Japanese public opinion for a vigorous protest. The U.S. media is covering this issue extensively every day. The lack of serious concern evident in Japanese coverage is shocking.

 There is a Japanese proverb which literally says “once it's past the throat, one forgets the heat (of the swallowed object),” which is roughly equivalent to “once on shore, we pray no more.” People forget way too fast. In November of last year, Kazuo Shii, Chairman of the Japanese Communist Party stated “North Korea poses no real threat.” Do the Japanese media intend to support this reckless remark?

 Both houses of the Diet passed a resolution protesting North Korea’s nuclear test. However, 32 of the 242 members of the Upper House were either absent or abstained, including 22 members who will sit for reelection in July.

 It makes one wonder what vested interests they might have with North Korea. Are they expecting election contributions or volunteers?

 Although the official name of North Korea, which was established by Kim Il-Sung under the strong influence of the USSR in 1948 after the end of World War II, is the “Democratic People’s Republic of Korea,” the name has no correlation with the actual system of government.

 North Korea has never implemented “democracy.” In addition, a “republic” is a nation owned by all the people, or in other words, a country without a monarch, but North Korea has in actuality been ruled for three generations by a hereditary “absolute monarch.” North Korea is a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and a member of the United Nations, but it totally ignores international law. In sum, it is a country which has no compunction about lying.

 More than one-tenth of the Japanese Diet is made up of members who were absent or abstained from voting on the resolution criticizing the nuclear test, in effect supporting North Korea. Of the 30 who were absent, there were 16 from the Liberal Democratic Party, 11 from the Democratic Party of Japan, 2 from the Japan Communist Party, and one other. I am continually amazed as the true state of Japanese politics becomes clear.



毎週日曜日発行 まぐまぐメルマガ:http://www.mag2.com/m/0001655307.html
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