【ニッポンの新常識】 Common Knowledge Revisited(48)

Self-styled Realists Who Turn a Blind Eye to PRC Oppression Are Irresponsible


 Early in this New Year, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) started experimental flights from an airport on an artificial island built in disregard of international law in the Spratly Islands. In addition, it was confirmed recently that a Chinese government vessel sailing in the vicinity of the Senkaku Islands of Okinawa Prefecture was armed with cannon.

 The Chinese government vessel was a modified frigate owned by the Chinese navy. The PRC camouflages battleships as government vessels, and has dispatched them to waters contiguous to the Senkaku Islands. This is a provocation of Japan, whose response is restricted by Article 9 of the Constitution, and an indication that the PRC is prepared to take the Senkaku Islands by military force.

 A certain honorary professor at a national university has dismissed the Senkakus as “islands where nobody lives” and overlooks the PRC’s high-handed behavior saying it is unrealistic to make a big fuss. He calls the stance taken by him and fellow compatriots as “realism” and even now criticizes the national security bills enacted last year.

 These self-styled realists completely ignore the fact that PRC military provocations are escalating. They undoubtedly also ignore the reality of ethnic massacres in Uighur, Tibet, and Inner Mongolia, the reality that the People’s Liberation Army fired upon students and killed some by running over them with tanks during the Tiananmen Square Massacre, and the reality that the value of imports to the PRC is down by 15 to 20 percent over last year.

 In contrast, the leaders of the Chinese Communist Party are facing up to the fact that “the PRC cannot be trusted.” In preparation for purges and economic collapse, they are moving their families and assets to the U.S. and other countries to take refuge. It’s like a member of a criminal organization preparing for a possible quarrel between members or possible arrest.

 Pro-Chinese politicians, opinion leaders, and managers do not adopt this kind of realism, but engage in “opportunism” whereby they intentionally overlook any inconvenient reality.

 Their philosophies are “to live only for the moment” ignoring the future, egoism whereby they are satisfied if they can “get away before dying,” or irresponsibility with no concern for the future of Japan, all a manifestation of very low ethics.

 Japan became this way by postponing very important but troublesome issues for 70 years after the war. At this time when the innately imperialistic country PRC has stopped concealing its ambitions, Japan has been forced into a position where it can no longer postpone these problems.

 The current situation, which resembles the situation after the arrival of Commodore Perry’s black ships, could be called a tailwind driving Japan to reform. There is no doubt that one of the drastic measures needed to deal with the “Heisei national crisis” is amendment of the constitution.

 With burning issues other than the PRC such as the diplomatic row between Saudi Arabia and Iran, and North Korea’s announcement of a hydrogen bomb test, the year-end agreement between Japan and South Korea regarding the comfort women issue occupies a very low priority level.

 I think the top-priority is to amend the constitution to “restore a truly self-sufficient nation.”

毎週日曜日発行 まぐまぐメルマガ:http://www.mag2.com/m/0001655307.html
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