【ニッポンの新常識】Common Knowledge Revisited(41)
Japan Will Become a True Democracy When the Media Ends Its Self-censorship


 Developed countries which espouse democracy leave the interpretation of social facts to the people. The premise is that correct, fair, and unbiased facts need to be disseminated widely to the people.

 The reason the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees “freedom of speech” is that democracy and freedom of speech are mutually integral.

 Xi Jinping, the President of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), and Ma Ying-jeou, the President of the Republic of China (Taiwan), held a summit meeting on November 7th in Singapore.

 Several major news organizations reported “66 years after the division of China and Taiwan,” but this is inaccurate reporting which will inevitably lead to misunderstanding.

 Until Japan accepted the Potsdam Declaration in August of 1945, Taiwan was the territory of Japan. After Japan relinquished its territorial claim to Taiwan as part of its defeat in the war, the government of the Republic of China (Nationalist Party) under Chiang Kai-Shek moved into Taiwan, and for all practical purposes Taiwan became the territory of the Republic of China.

 Thereafter, the Nationalist Party, which was defeated in the civil war between the communists and the nationalists which resumed after the world war, retreated to Taiwan, and that state of affairs continues to this day. There is a great episode about Hiroshi Nemoto, Lieutenant General at the time, but I will write about that some other time.

 The communist party government only won territorial rights to continental China, and there was no “division” of the country as in the tragedy of Germany and the Korean peninsula.

 Readers are no doubt aware that Taiwan is a country friendly to Japan. Taiwanese people readily recognize and express thanks for the fact that under Japanese rule Taiwan developed greatly and the people were happy. This is in stark contrast to the PRC and Korea which continue to return evil for good.

 After the Great East Japan Earthquake, Taiwan contributed over 20 billion yen in relief, the largest amount of any country, but perhaps because the media did not report it, many Japanese are not aware of this fact.

 As various events unfold daily, the various media organizations have the right to choose what they will report and what they will ignore.

 However, if a media organization chooses and reports only on those facts which align with the specific ideology which that company supports, then it is no longer a media organization, but rather a propaganda organ.

 On November 10th, a meeting entitled “Amend the Constitution Now! Budokan 10,000 Person Meeting,” at which I spoke, was held at the Budokan in Chiyoda-ku. 11,321 well-ordered and respectful ladies and gentlemen gathered from all parts of Japan.

 Sankei Shinbun and Asahi Sinbun gave it large coverage, and NHK ran a short report, but at this point I have not seen a report by any other media organization except the Japan Times.

 When the media ends its self-censorship, Japan will be able to become a true democracy.



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