### 緊急告知!### 

【ニッポンの新常識】 Common Knowledge Revisited㊵

Is Japan Safe in the Midst of “Information Warfare Without the Use of Military Force?”


 When we speak of a “peaceful nation,” many people call to mind Switzerland, a permanently neutral country.

 Officially called the Swiss Confederation, it borders on Germany, France, Italy, etc. but did not participate in either of the world wars of the 20th Century. In contrast to its neighbor Austria, it was not invaded by Nazi Germany under Hitler.

 It does not participate in the EU or the Eurozone, and has a highly advanced financial sector supported by its own currency, the Swiss Franc. Half of all the luxury watches, such as Rolex, Omega, and IWC, are manufactured there.

 Switzerland proceeds along its own independent path, but the population is just under 8,000,000, and geographically it is a small nation about the same size as Kyushu. During the cold war, it constantly faced the threat of invasion by communist countries. For Switzerland, the most important issue is “deterrence” to avoid any war waged by another country.

 It may seem contrary to the image of a peaceful nation, but Switzerland has a powerful military of 176,000 troops (in wartime). The basis of this strength is a “universal military draft” applicable to all males aged 19 to 34 (according to the Japanese Foreign Ministry home page, the Japanese edition of Newsweek, October 8, 2013 issue, etc.).

 The consciousness that “a country’s independence is assured by military strength” is ingrained in the people. And they are thoroughly aware that war starts with information warfare.

 During the cold war, the Swiss government prepared a booklet titled “Civil Defense” which it distributed to all households. There is a Japanese-language version which I recommend for everyone to read, but it sets forth the principles of “information warfare without the use of military force” as follows.

 Stage One: Place foreign operatives in pivotal government organs.

 Stage Two: Propaganda campaign. Take control of the media and manipulate public opinion.

 Stage Three: Infiltrate the education system and break down the people’s “national pride.”

 Stage Four: Gradually destroy the will to resist, and use “peace” and “love for humanity” as propaganda tools.

 Stage Five: Using television and other media channels, take away the people’s “power to think for themselves.”

 Last Stage: When the people of the target country have become passive and spineless, take over the country by mass colonization.

 A famous Japanese film director in a newspaper article the other day denied the necessity of collective self-defense saying “Even individual self-defense is unnecessary. In the event that another country invades Japan, the people should surrender without resistance, and the prime minister and politicians should then negotiate a peace. That is what Article 9 directs the administrators to do. This would result in the least damage.” In the past, a satirical cartoonist and an opposition party female Diet member have made similar statements.

 How can anyone deny that Japanese is in the midst of “information warfare without the use of military force” and approaching the final stage?

毎週日曜日発行 まぐまぐメルマガ:http://www.mag2.com/m/0001655307.html
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