反日外国人にはうんざりです。Disappointed by Anti-Japan Foreigners.


This morning I did an interview with the president of the APA Hotel Group Toshio Motoya for a little over an hour. It was very enjoyable and informative for me.


After that, I moved to the Foreign Correspondent’s Club of Japan in Yurakucho where a party was held at noon to commemorate the publishing of a book by Ms. Sonfa Oh.


It you look carefully at the pictures of my short speech, you may be able to tell that it was attended by a very impressive group.


At the risk of provoking a backlash, I must say honestly that I am consistently disappointed by anti-Japan foreigners who self-importantly purport to be “experts on Japan” and speak about Japan or Japanese people based only on information only from the Japan Times (or more accurately, the “Anti-Japan Times”) and NHK English News.

Getting Over It ! Why Korea Needs to Stop Bashi.../たちばな出版


日韓関係の真実が、完璧な英語で書かれた呉さんの著作、「Getting Over It! Why Korea Needs to Stop Bashing Japan」(たちばな出版、2015)は、日本と関わりを持つ外国人であれば、全員必読の本です。
Ms. Oh’s book “Getting Over It! Why Korea Needs to Stop Bashing Japan” (Tachibana Publishing, 2015) is a good summary of the true state of Japan-Korea relations written in perfect English, and it should be a must-read for any foreigners involved with Japan.

It is well-known that Japan has been negligent in providing English-language materials explaining its position. This book is a small (or large) step in rectifying this situation. I recommend it highly.

Next week I will post a thorough review of this book here.


毎週日曜日発行 まぐまぐメルマガ:http://www.mag2.com/m/0001655307.html
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