Stop Being Anti-Japanese, Or Economic Meltdown?

韓国財界も「通貨スワップの再開」要求 「必要ない」が半年あまりで一転…
Korea asks to resume currency swaps. Change of heart after declaring them unnecessary just over six months ago.


Japan and Korea concluded a currency swap agreement in 2001. In 2011 to deal with the European debt crisis, the amount was increased to 7 billion dollars. However, in 2012, it was reduced to 1.3 billion dollars. In 2013, a
300 million dollar portion was not extended, and Korea started saying that it wasn't necessary, so in February of this year the agreement was allowed to expire.

However, thereafter the Korean economy has steadily worsened, and the Korean Vice Prime Minister of Finance and Financial Planning Minister issued a statement at the IMF and World Bank annual meeting in early October that "a multinational currency swap safety net to avoid financial crisis is necessary."


Unless the Korean government formally acknowledges that "anti-Japan education and pursuit of the comfort women issue were a mistake," and apologizes and pledges that "we will not do it again," Japan should not entertain any such negotiations.


毎週日曜日発行 まぐまぐメルマガ:http://www.mag2.com/m/0001655307.html
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