【ニッポンの新常識】 Common Knowledge Revisited(38)

朴大統領は墓穴を掘り続けている ベトナムでの蛮行を暴かれた韓国の行く末
President Park Digging Her Own Grave: Korean Brutality in Vietnam Exposed


 President Park Geun-hye of South Korea visited the United States and met with President Obama on October 16. However, she was not able to deliver a speech to Congress as she had hoped, no state dinner was held, and there was no welcoming mood.

 It was the same as when the United States media took a very cool stance toward the visit to the United States of President Xi Jinping of the People’s Republic of China (PRC).

 To top it off, this trip finally triggered reports in the U.S. about Korea’s dark history of massacres and rapes of Vietnamese women carried out by Korean troops during the Vietnam War

 On October 13, Fox News ran an article with the headline “President Park should publicly apologize for South Korea's sexual violence in Vietnam.”

 Because Korean troops raped large numbers of Vietnamese women, there are between 5,000 and 30,000 mixed-race Vietnamese called “Lai Dai Han” who live on the fringes of society.

 Apparently this time it was not reported that the Korean military itself set up a comfort women station for its own troops where they employed Vietnamese women. This historical fact was discovered when in the course of his investigation TBS Washington Bureau Chief Noriyuki Yamaguchi uncovered evidence contained in public documents. There was also no doubt left by the testimony of related parties. In due time this will become well-known in the United States, too

 Korea has no standing to criticize Japan’s actions of 70 years ago regarding the so-called comfort women issue. For those actively seeking out information this is common knowledge, but the media coverage is still scant.

 Since assuming office, Ms. Park has continued to dig a hole for herself. She may have ascended to the office of president by strongly endorsing an anti-Japan agenda, but the fruits of that are now leading Korea to ruin.

 In the economic area, to a certain extent it is unavoidable to operate a diplomatic policy favorable to both the U.S. and the PRC. However, one has to ask whether in the military area she has “forgotten the part of history where large numbers of Koreans were killed by PRC volunteer troops.” Despite her famous statement “The relationship between victims and aggressors does not change even after 1000 years,” has she inexplicably decided to let bygones be bygones on this issue?

 Over 40,000 U.S. troops sacrificed their lives in the Korean War. The people of the United States are not going to forgive behavior ignoring this part of history.

 I would like to warn Ms. Park of one more thing. The “freedom of expression” guaranteed by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution is the most important measure by which the United States determines whether a country is an advanced country or an underdeveloped country.

 We were appalled at the indictment of former Sankei Newspaper Seoul Bureau Chief Tatsuya Kato, but the intelligentsia of the U.S. has dropped its jaws over the fact that the prosecutors are seeking an 18 month prison term.

In the event that a guilty verdict is pronounced, no doubt Korea will be evaluated as a “vassal state subservient to the suzerainty of that other underdeveloped country (the PRC).”

間もなく生放送開始!: ニッポン放送「辛坊治郎ズーム そこまで言うか!」

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