【ニッポンの新常識】 習主席が唱える「中国夢」はジャイアンの考えに等しい

Common Knowledge Revisited(36) President Xi’s “Chinese Dream” Mirrors Gian’s Thinking



 I don’t trust the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) which controls the People’s Republic of China (PRC). If someone asks me “Why?” I want to shoot back “How can you trust the CCP?”

 The internal state of affairs in the PRC is dreadful. Ethnic slaughter, human rights violations, suppression of information, bribery, embezzlement, environmental pollution ― the list is endless. How can anyone trust people who are not ashamed of this? There might be an excuse for clueless people who do not know the truth, or shameless people of the same breed.

 The other day I heard a very interesting statement made by Commentator Seki Hei, who became disillusioned with the PRC where he was born and raised, and became a naturalized Japanese citizen.

 Apparently there is no concept of a national border in “Sinocentrism.” Originally the whole world was the territory of China, and no matter what other country asserts territorial rights, it is only deemed to have been entrusted with such rights temporarily.

 “What’s yours is mine, and what’s mine is mine” is a stock line spoken by the neighborhood bully Gian when he is taking something from Nobita in the Doraemon animation series. Its real life manifestation is the PRC.

 Since he is only taking back what is his, Gian does not consider his actions to be robbery, extortion, or theft. He is without the slightest compunction. This precisely describes the PRC’s actions in the South China Sea

 Japanese are taught from their youth “Show me a liar, and I will show you a thief.” It is common sense for a civilized person living in a contractual society that lies and robbery are both evils.

 However, it looks as if the CCP does not possess this common sense. Isn’t the mini-China called Korea the same? Japan has repeatedly had bitter experiences following the war by trying to engage them on the basis of civilized common sense.

 I am appalled that the media would report PRC President Xi Jinping’s statement that “China does not seek hegemony” at face value.

 In 2010, a book titled “The Chinese Dream” was published in the PRC and later became a best seller. It was authored by a former military member and professor at the National Defense University (at the time) Liu Mingfu.

 Liu argues “To resolutely increase national power and become the number one strongest nation is the goal of this century for China, and to that end it must compete with the United States. This is a contest between the current number one nation and the latent number one nation.” It is also Xi’s long-cherished wish to fulfill this “Chinese dream.”

 We should welcome fair competition for the advancement of mankind. However, I do not want to live in a world where the country which calls itself number one undertakes a national policy to manipulate exchange rates and stock prices, curries favor with developing nations through improper funding assistance and bribes, challenges developed nations with spying and hacking, and merrily uses stolen data to produce counterfeit goods and a paper tiger.

毎週日曜日発行 まぐまぐメルマガ:http://www.mag2.com/m/0001655307.html
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