【ニッポンの新常識】戦争実体験した女性作家 安保法案「反対」の矛盾に疑問
Common Knowledge Revisited(30) Female Author Who Experienced the War: Contradictions in Opposition to Security Bills

 The other day I listened to the radio program of a female author who was age 14 and in Manchuria when World War II ended. I found the account of someone who actually lived through this experience to be very compelling, but I also detect some flaws in her logic.

 I would like to point those out since she does not seem to be aware of them herself.

 In the early hours of August 9, 1945, Russia abrogated the Soviet-Japan Neutrality Pact, and began an invasion of Manchuria, Sakhalin, and the Kurile Islands. In less than a week, the government of Japan accepted the Potsdam Declaration. The Japanese military in Manchuria was disarmed. She said she actually saw from her window guns being piled up.

 Thereafter in Manchuria a number of violent incidents involving Chinese or Soviet forces ensued, and a number of Japanese lost not only their possessions but their lives. Because it had been disarmed, the Japanese military was unable to protect the Japanese residents.

 She said that a Soviet officer attempted to rape her. After fiercely resisting, she took refuge by hiding in a closet. He said her mother also fought fiercely to protect her daughter. For the mother’s part, her actions were justified self-defense, or expressed another way, the exercise of collective self-defense on an individual level.

 This author now espouses Article 9 of the Constitution and is engaged in anti-war peace activism, but during the war she was a “militarist girl.” Though she was prepared to die for her country, she was deeply disillusioned to see that a country could disappear overnight.


 She probably meant to express the phenomenon of the civil order of a peaceful Japanese community being destroyed as disappearance of her country.


 To repeat, the cause of the violent incidents and pillaging by the Soviet military was the disarming of the Japanese military due to Japan’s defeat in the war.


 That being the case, I marvel at the thought processes which would cause her to espouse Article 9 of the Constitution and be opposed to the proposed security related bills intended to strengthen the ability of the country to defend itself.


 She said that the notes left behind by students mobilized for military service which were compiled in “Listen to the Voices of the God of the Sea” were the motivation for her transformation to an anti-war peace activist, but it has been pointed out that this work was actually a propaganda piece produced at the behest of GHQ.


 I surmise that she did an automatic slide from the brainwashing of the Imperial Headquarters to the brainwashing of the War Guilt Information Program of GHQ, such that she has been brainwashed throughout her life.


 She called upon the radio listeners to “think carefully for yourselves.” On this point, she is absolutely correct. I hope that after updating the outdated reasoning in her own head, she will once again think carefully for herself.












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