Elevator Manners


1. When waiting for an elevator, assume 20 people will rush off when the doors open.  (Don't wait with your nose touching the door.)


2. The doors to an elevator will always open when the elevator arrives at a floor.  It is not necessary to press the OPEN button.


3. When you get on an elevator with many other people, press the button for your floor, and then step away from the button panel.  If you absolutely feel compelled to hold the OPEN button, then move to the side so that others can press the buttons for their floors.


4. If you have just had a cigarette, please take the stairs, if at all possible.  Elevators park with their doors closed, and they take a very long time to air out.


5. If you arrive at a floor and can see that a person pushing a stroller is attempting to board, but there is not enough room, then if you are able-bodied, please leave the elevator.  People pushing strollers, in many cases, have no other option than to take the elevator.


6. If you are the only one on an elevator, under no circumstances should you press the OPEN button to open the doors.  You should get right in front of the doors and prepare to get off as soon as the doors open.  Too often, I see that an "empty" elevator has arrived, and then as I go to enter, a person who must be afraid of doors like Indiana Jones is afraid of collapsing stone passageways appears from their hiding place by the button panel and disrupts the orderly flow of passengers into the elevator.


7. If you are using headphones in a quiet elevator, please make sure they do not leak sound.  (And stop buying headphones that leak sound.)


8. If you own a building with an elevator, then it is your basic duty to all of the patrons of your building to run the air conditioning in all elevators during the summer.


9. If the elevators in your office building do not automatically park themselves at certain floors at certain times of the day (e.g., return to 1F in the mornings to bring patrons to the office floors), then go ahead and send the elevators where they should go.  In the morning, press 1F upon exiting the elevator.  In the evening, send the elevator up to at least the lowest office-level floor in your elevator bank.


10. Elevators cost money to operate.  If you are only going up or down one floor, then take the stairs.  Often, elevators have to travel dozens of floors to convey you one floor.  This costs money (both in terms of electricity usage and maintenance costs) for the building owner. You are probably overweight anyway and could use the exercise.


11. When pressing elevator buttons, use a part of your fingers/hands that you do not otherwise use to tough other things.  I prefer using a knuckle that I know I don't wipe my nose with.


12. Go ahead and have a conversation in the elevator!  Any patron that is bothered by happy people communicating with each other in a respectful way should spend their time in a broom closet, not an elevator.











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