【ニッポンの新常識】不安を煽る政治家やメディアは無知な上に無恥だ 安保法案審議


Common Knowledge Revisited (26) Ignorant Prevarications Shamelessly Bantered about by Politicians and Media Fan Fears of Students and Young Mothers ---  National Defense Bills Deliberations

 The Japanese Penal Code provides as follows regarding justifiable self-defense.

 “Penal Code, Art. 36(1). An act unavoidably performed to protect the rights of oneself or any other person against imminent and unlawful infringement is not punishable.”

 In this way, justifiable self-defense can be divided into “protection of one’s own rights” and “defense of the rights of others.” It is clear from the provisions of the Penal Code that no particular importance is attached to the difference.

 Supposing a country somewhere in the world did not allow for the protection of the rights of others, what would be the result?

 Even if a person’s wife or daughter were being raped before his very eyes, unless his own life was being threatened, a man would not have the right of self-defense. If he stepped in and caused injury to the criminal, he would be liable for assault, and if he happened to kill the criminal, he would be guilty of homicide.
Any country with such a ridiculous law would be the laughing stock of international society.

Applying this to the national right of self-defense, protecting a country’s own rights would equate to “individual self-defense,” and protecting the rights of other countries would equate to “collective self-defense.” It is a major premise of international law that both rights inherently exist.

 Deliberations on the National Defense Bills began this week in the Upper House. Labels such as “War Bill,” Military Draft” and other ignorant prevarications have been shamelessly bantered about by politicians and media to fan the fears of students and young mothers, among others.

Certain organizations have even organized opposition demonstrations for young mothers bringing their children along in the searing hot summer heat. The thing putting the lives of children in danger is not the National Defense Bills, but the irresponsible organizers of such events and the mothers themselves who participate in such demonstrations.

 The main point of collective self-defense is an expansion of the concept of justifiable self-defense. Under the present system, helping other friendly countries facing imminent threats was illegal. Under the new system, such activities would be considered justifiable self-defense. The only ones adversely affected would be enemies.

 All members of the United Nations have the right to exercise the right of collective self-defense. The reason Japan has given up such a right in favor of relying on the good graces of the U.S. Military may very well be in part retaliation against the U.S. which forcibly wrested from Japan its military power. But the time has come for Japan to stand on its own.

 The only three countries in the world which oppose the proposed National Defense Bills are The People’s Republic of China (PRC), North Korea, and South Korea.

 We can ignore South Korea. The lawless countries of PRC and North Korea will have trouble continuing on with their lawless shenanigans if these bills are passed. Thus, passage of the National Defense Bills will in and of itself strengthen deterrence.

 I suggest describing the National Defense Bills as “Preparations to Prevent Unwanted War.”



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