【ニッポンの新常識】 人権問題を国連に訴えてきた日弁連 中国の人権派弁護士弾圧には沈黙か

Common Knowledge Revisited ㉕
Despite Pursuing [Alleged Japanese] Human Rights Claims at the U.N., Japan Federation of Bar Associations Silent on Oppression of Chinese Human Rights Attorneys

 What do you think of as a life-threatening occupation? Even in Japan, the safest country in the world, there are some occupations, such as self-defense forces or coast guard personnel, police, and fire fighters, where the by the very nature of their duties, they must be conscious of the possibility of death.

 Occasionally legal professionals such as judges, lawyers, or prosecutors may be attacked by persons involved in crimes who hold a grudge. The murder of Attorney Sakamoto and his family is a representative example. If you consider that there are a few such cases each year, perhaps the legal profession can be considered a life-threatening occupation, but when you look at the actual number of cases in the U.S. and Japan, it pales by comparison with the number of murders of women by stalkers.

 However, there are some attorneys in the world who genuinely take their life in their own hands by practicing their profession. That would include human rights attorneys in the People’s Republic of China (PRC).

 It is a well-known fact that the PRC government takes no thought whatsoever of the human rights of its citizens. It fired on unarmed students in the Tiananmen Incident. People were run over by tanks. You can find pictures of ghastly scenes by searching the internet.

 There are people who call Prime Minister Shinzo Abe a dictator, but a true dictator does not hesitate to detain and punish critics. The fact that these critics remain safe proves the falsehood of their accusations.

 On this point, the PRC is a full-fledged dictatorship, so human rights violations are intense. Even so, the oppression of the Falun Gong scholars is especially surprising.

 In the 1990s, the number of practitioners of Falun Gong qigong breathing exercises topped 100 million people worldwide. Fearing their influence, then-President Jiang Zemin suddenly began a crackdown.

People were treated as criminals merely for being a member of Falun Gong, arrested, detained, and tortured. They were forced to become live kidney and liver organ donors, and the allegations that some tens of thousands were executed is almost unbelievable.

 In the past several weeks, over 200 human rights attorneys pursuing human rights problems in the PRC have been detained and tortured by law enforcement authorities. It appears that by bringing false charges, the intention is to stamp them out.

 There are a number of human rights attorneys in Japan. In particular, the Japan Federation of Bar Associations has sent attorneys to Geneva to press Japanese human rights issues at the United Nations.

 Despite this fact, no comment or statement can be found on the federation’s home page concerning the oppression of human rights attorneys in the PRC (as of July 24th). One hates to think that they might be intending to stick up for the PRC government.

 In the PRC, the occupation of satirical cartoonist is also potentially life-threatening. The popular cartoonist Sun Koubun feared for his life while visiting Japan and gave up on his plans to return to the PRC. He must be in envy of a certain Japanese satirical cartoonist whose life is in no danger whatsoever despite his off-base criticisms of the prime minister.



日本の自立 戦後70年、「日米安保体制」に未来はあるのか?/イースト・プレス



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