“Article 9 of the Constitution Has Preserved Peace”: Crisis Brought on by Ignorance and Failure to Confront Reality


 The Japanese media likes to use the word “steamrollering.” For your information, this word is not used very often in American English. I doubt that any regular Americans would understand “No Steamrollering” in the context in which the Japanese like to use it.

 To begin with, under democracy, when there is a difference of opinion, the minority yields to the opinion of the majority. In order to determine who is in the majority, it is necessary to take a vote.

 When the Democratic Party of Japan [an oxymoron] was in power, they steamrollered bills through with only 1 to 6 hours of deliberation, but over 110 hours have been spent in debating the National Security Bills. To call the vote on the National Security Bills steamrollering is nothing but sour grapes.

 Incidentally, it was expected that the support rating for the Abe cabinet would decrease by about 10% by this vote. This was the main goal of the anti-Abe media in going out of their way to report this vote as steamrollering.

 I haven’t watched too much of the Diet debate, but judging from the reporting, I am left with the impression that perhaps there was not enough useful debate. I haven’t heard much specific debate about the content of the bills. Rather, all I have heard in opposition is “It’s unconstitutional” or “The risk to the self-defense forces will increase,” all arguments not directly related to the bills in question.

 However, this was all a strategy of the opposition parties to buy time to beat down the image of the Abe administration. There was one member of the Abe cabinet who said “It cannot be said that the understanding of the people has been obtained,” and I suppose that it was his true opinion, but his clear ulterior motive is to pave the way for him to personally seek the position of the next prime minister.

 In my column last week I said that that in order for Prime Minister Abe to obtain the understanding of the people he needed the cooperation of the media, but that the media was not being cooperative.

 Fundamentally, one of the main roles of the media is to work through the points of contention in bills before the Diet and explain them in an understandable fashion to the public.

 But when the news consists only of reports on demonstrations with slogans like “Down with the War Bills” or “The Shame of Steamrollering,” [while ignoring demonstrations in support of the bills] the media is neglecting their duty, to the detriment of society at large.

 Unless perchance they are foreign operatives, it appears to me that the media are only saying to us “We do not understand the current state of foreign affairs” or “We are just making a big fuss in response to the general hoopla.”

 I even feel some anger towards those who have been deceived by the “religion” whose doctrine is that “Article 9 of the Constitution has preserved peace.” As a result of Article 9, Takeshima, a part of Shimane Prefecture, has been taken over by South Korea, the abductees to North Korea have not been returned to their home country, the coral reefs in Ogasawara, Tokyo Prefecture, have been ravaged, and it is impossible to engage in fishing around the Japanese territory of the Senkaku Islands of Okinawa Prefecture [due to the illegal intrusion of Chinese war vessels].

 The ignorance of reality practiced by the general Japanese public has placed Japan in a very dangerous position.


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