【ニッポンの新常識】 戦争抑止力は人命救助そのもの 平和に貢献する沖縄県民には深い敬意を

Common Knowledge Revisited㉒
Deterrence of War Is Precisely "Lifesaving"
We Honor Okinawans for Their Contribution to Peace

I have a strong affinity for Okinawa. The first time I went to Okinawa was in 1975  to work as a guide in the American Pavilion at the Okinawa International Ocean  Exposition. During the 7 months I was there, I lived on the Kadena U.S. Air Force  Base.

That was a time when the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird supersonic reconnaissance  airplane would frequently conduct flyover missions to photograph military sites in  North Vietnam and the Soviet Union. When the planes took off or landed, the noise  would literally shake our reinforced concrete housing, but I was proud to be living  in such a strategically important Okinawa.

Perhaps because of this intense experience, I envisioned Okinawa as the island  housing the secret base of the “Thunderbirds,” a supermarionation  puppet/animation television series broadcast on BBC starting in 1965. The setting  was a secret base for an “international rescue team” hidden on a beautiful  tropical island.

Men who are in their late forties or older will fondly remember the secret base  replete with various clever gadgets and gimmicks, along with the TB-1 and TB-2  hypersonic planes used for fast response and rescue zone reconnaissance, and as  mobile control bases.

Many people may think that a rescue team is opposite from navy, army, and air  forces whose job is to kill the enemy in wartime, but that is very naïve.

Since the beginning of the Twentieth Century, compared with the number of lives  lost in natural disasters and accidents, the number of people killed in wars, civil  wars, and tyrannical governmental policies is much greater. Nazi Germany killed  6,000,000 Jews, and Stalin killed approximately 20,000,000, mainly his own Soviet  Union citizens.

Under Mao Tse-tung, the founder of the People’s Republic of China, the Great Leap  Forward and the Great Cultural Revolution resulted in deaths on the order of  between 20,000,000 and 50,000,000 Chinese, either by starvation or execution.

In the Korean War, the fight between the two Koreas, it is estimated that 5,000,000  people lost their lives.

When it comes right down to facts, the most effective way to prevent loss of life  is to prevent wars and civil wars. This includes effective sanctions on tyrannical  governments. In short, the deterrent effect of a strong military is in and of  itself lifesaving.

Okinawa is the keystone to preserving peace not only in Japan, but throughout Asia.  The present residents of Okinawa, who contribute to peace by enduring danger and  noise pollution, are the heroes who fought for and defended their home country  during the war as well as their descendants. I honor them.

The residents of mainland Japan, including me, should take every opportunity to  express to all of the past and present residents of Okinawa our profound gratitude.  Okinawa merits that kind of sentiment. I sincerely hope that all the residents of  Okinawa will have a feeling of pride in their noble role and place in history.


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