
Common Sense Revisited ㉑
The Media’s “Window Dressing” of Japan’s Peace

The system of democracy whereby the voters choose representatives by election is fundamentally based on the premise that the people have sufficient and true information. In other words, “freedom of the press” is extremely important as it is closely tied to the foundation of democracy.

If true information is not provided, no one can make correct determinations. This can be understood by looking at the window dressing of accounts by listed companies.

The “personal responsibility” of investors who relied on window dressed accounts is not called into question. Instead, the responsibility of the company which engaged in window dressing should be pursued, and there is also a problem with the stock exchange which did not see through the window dressing.

The leading role in providing information to the public by effectively making use of the freedom of the press should be played by the media, such as television and newspapers. The internet media fills in the gaps left in regular media reporting, but its influence is no match for the regular media.

Even in the case of private companies, the media should not idolize the pursuit of personal profit. The media should realize that it exists as an essential part of a democratic nation and fully carry out its attendant responsibility.

The People’s Republic of China (PRC) is a shining example of a country where freedom of the press is restricted.

The PRC carries out censorship regularly, and it spares no effort in making sure that any information critical of or against the interests of the Chinese Communist Party cannot be learned by the populace. This is one reason that the giant search engine Google pulled out of the Chinese mainland.

It is dangerous to search the words “Tiananmen Incident,” “Great Cultural Revolution,” “Oppression of Tibetans,” or “Massacre of Uighurs” inside the PRC. Such a person will eventually be marked by the security people as a person espousing dangerous ideology.

It seems to me that a number of Japanese media organizations are making furious efforts to ensure that information unfavorable to the Chinese Communist Party is not made available to the Japanese people.

On May 29, 2015, the Japanese Ministry of Defense posted on its official website a report entitled “Chinese activities in the South China Sea.” It details the land reclamation projects carried out in violation of international law and the continuous fights with countries in the region from the time the French pulled out of Indochina in 1950 until the present.

The reality that the disruptive influence of the PRC extends not only to the Senkaku Islands but to the main island of Okinawa can also be ascertained from this report. However, in searching the title of this report on the internet, there is no sign of it having been reported by any media. The people shouting “Save Article 9!” in blissful ignorance end up looking like clowns.

It is said that Japan has been totally at peace for the last 70 years since the end of the war, but as a matter of fact, it may be that just “window dressing reporting” has been done.

素晴らしい国・日本に告ぐ! (SEIRINDO BOOKS)/青林堂










7/14(火) テキサス☆ナイトin 大阪講演会:http://texas-night.com/4.html
Official Home Page 公式サイト:http://www.kentgilbert.com/
Official Blog 公式ブログ:http://ameblo.jp/workingkent/