

Common Knowledge Revisited⑳ Politicians I Just Can't Respect

 In a democracy, the occupation of politician is frought with risk.

 Of course there is no occupation which does not entail risk. However, the occupational risk borne by company workers, public employees, pro athletes, artisans, artists, authors, etc. is fundamentally different from the risk borne by politicians.

 An aspiring politician may fail to become such or lose his seat because of factors which have nothing to do with his inherent skills or efforts.

 In other words, one cannot become a politician without winning an election, but his fate is determined by a fickle and disinterested electorate.

 Vote for someone you saw on television. Vote for someone whose face you like. Vote for a young woman. Vote against someone with a long name. Vote against someone because you dislike the party leaders. Don’t vote because it is raining. Go to the beach rather than voting because it is good weather.

 For people who do not support any particular political party, this is the case in most countries. Politicians are fated to deal with the caprice of the electorate throughout their career.

 Things like the incident described below may have some effect, but in Japan where a high emphasis is placed on stability, very few accomplished, upright, and noble persons aspire to become politicians from their youth. A part of the cause is the level of the voters, or in other words the lack of seriousness on the part of voters.

 As a practical matter, the voters in the “AKB Election” are much more serious about voting that the electorate in national elections. That’s because they actually have to pay money [buy a product] in order to get the right to vote.

 Only a minority of voters who will automatically be given the right to vote under the newly amended Public Office Election Law feel appreciation. That fact can be ascertained from the low percentage of voter turnout.

 The percentage of voters who study the background and record of the candidates in detail is probably less than five percent. To get the rest of the votes, the candidate pleads for votes, shakes hands, waves……. I have a hard time picturing myself doing that.

 I highly value politicians who endure such unsophisticated and grueling election campaigns, and with high aspirations and defying the attendant risks, actually become politicians and labor diligently for the people and residents.

 Accordingly, I would like to see all politicians be persons worthy of our respect and admiration. I would like to see them be figures who are admired regardless of whether a voter supports the party in power or the opposition or any other particular party, someone that all the people respect, someone admired by children even outside our borders.

 Politicians who delay or obstruct deliberations through violence. Politicians who ignore imminent threats to the nation to find fault with important proposed legislation. Politicians who circle the diet building in anti-war demonstrations but do not voice any criticism of corrupt foreign powers challenging Japan. Politicians who, despite the fact that they are the cause for harm to the national reputation, offer continuous excuses rather than courageous apologies.

 It is truly unfortunate, but I cannot respect them.







7/14(火)テキサス☆ナイト in 大阪講演会:http://texas-night.com/4.html

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