沖縄の軍事負担をどう解釈するか How to Interpret the Military Burden on Okinawa

Although there are “U.S. military facilities” in 26 prefectures, the idea that the facilities provided to the U.S. military in Okinawa comprise 75% of the land area of such facilities throughout the country has been bandied about by certain parties, so I took a look at the latest statistics from the Ministry of Self Defense to confirm the real situation.

In order to understand these statistics, it is necessary to divide them into three parts.

1. 在日米軍が専用で利用している米軍施設。
Facilities used exclusively by the U.S. military.

By this measure, the burden on Okinawa is 73.88% of the total.


2. 米軍の施設だが、自衛隊も使用する施設(日米地位協定2-4-(a) に基づいて日米で共同使用している施設)
U.S. military facilities also used by the self-defense forces (facilities used jointly by Japan and the U.S. pursuant to article 2-4-(a) of the U.S.-Japan Status of Forces Agreement).
By this measure, the number is still 73.94% of the total.

3. 自衛隊の施設だが、米軍も使用する施設(日米地位協定2-4-(b) に基づいて米軍が一時的に利用可能な自衛隊施設)+上記2および3.
In addition to numbers 1 and 2 above, self-defense force facilities also used by the U.S. military (self-defense forces facilities which may be used by the U.S. military pursuant to article 2-4-(b) of the U.S.-Japan Status of Forces Agreement).

By this measure, the geographical burden on Okinawa is 22.44% of the total.


However, these numbers include the huge Northern Training Area (78,242 sq. m.) and the Camp Hansen Training Area (49,787 sq. m.). I have been led to believe that this area is basically a watershed not suited for development.

In fact there are those who maintain that having the U.S. military use it will help preserve the environment. If you subtract this area, then the effective burden is reduced to 9.95& of the national total.

In this way, you can prove anything you want by fooling around with the numbers. When I studied statistics at college, my professor said “You can create and manipulate statistics to prove anything you want, so you shouldn’t make decisions based solely on numerical statistics.” I took his words seriously since he was a professor of statistics. This is a good example of what he was saying.

Don’t get me wrong here. I am not saying that the burden on Okinawa is light. The reason the burden is heavy is because it is such a strategically important place. But of course, every effort should be made to minimize that burden.

さて、上記の分析の中の間違いに気付きましたか? 沖縄の練習場の面積を差し引くのであれば、大分県、静岡県、山梨県、北海道の練習場も差し引いて計算し直す必要がありました。統計に騙されないように注意してください!
So, did you recognize the flaw in the above analysis? If you are going to subtract the training areas in Okinawa, you also need to subtract the training areas in Oita, Shizuoka, Yamanashi and Hokkaido and run the numbers again. Don’t be deceived by statistics!




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