Remember the Tiananmen Square Massacre

Today is June 4th, the day the Tiananmen Massacre occurred in 1989. If you look it up in Wikipedia, you are transferred to a site called “Tiananmen Square protests of 1989” which also refers to the June Fourth Massacre.

This incident took place in 1989, so many young people may not know much about it. I will quote excerpts from the Wikipedia entry.

The crackdown that initiated on June 3–4 became known as the Tiananmen Square Massacre or the June 4 Massacre as troops with assault rifles and tanks inflicted casualties on unarmed civilians trying to block the military's advance towards Tiananmen Square in the heart of Beijing, which student and other demonstrators had occupied for seven weeks. . . . The protests were triggered in April 1989 by the death of former Communist Party General Secretary, Hu Yaobang, a liberal reformer, who was deposed after losing a power struggle with hardliners over the direction of political and economic reforms . . . . The protesters called for government accountability, freedom of the press, freedom of speech, and the restoration of workers' control over industry.

In the past, NHK investigated the Tiananmen Massacre in its popular program “Modern Close-up” and reported that “there was not a large massacre.”


However, judging from the large numbers of ghastly video clips which can be found very easily on Google, it is clear that this report was mistaken.

(Beware of censorship):

It needs to be made clear whether this conclusion was just the individual opinion of the commentator Harunobu Kato, or whether as a broadcast institution NHK still holds fast to this evaluation.

Wikileaks reveals details about the Tiananmen Massacre:

The English-language version of Wiki talks at length about official censorship in China, but the Japanese-language version also contains the following interesting entry, the veracity of which I have not been able to confirm (my translation).
The abbreviation for this incident is 64 (meaning June 4th). A search for “June Fourth Tiananmen Massacre” results in a dead end, so some special code words have been devised to get around the censors such as “May 35th”, “VIIV” (roman numerals for 64), or “82” (8 squared, which is 64).

Incidentally, there is an Wikipedia entry in the traditional Chinese characters used in Taiwan, and one in Cantonese, but there is no entry in the simplified characters used in the People’s Republic of China. This is a part of the past which the Chinese Communist Party wants to be sealed shut.

There also is no article in the simplified Chinese characters about the Great Leap Forward or the Great Cultural Revolution. This is part of the 4,000 year-old traditional performing art of China where history inconvenient for the present government is deleted and fabricated into convenient lies.

It is interesting to note that the article about suppression of Falun Gong, which I have been following, is even more detailed in Chinese than the Japanese version, including the harvesting of organs for transplant (I read it in automatic translation).

However it is a mistake to interpret this as the PRC owning up to its past. It is more correct to surmise that Communist Party General Secretary Xi Jinping is using this incident aggressively to remove from important posts members of factions related to the former Secretary Jiang Zemin.

Thoroughly crushing one’s political rivals, even by cowardly means, is a time-honored tradition carried on by the dynasties of China. That is why there are tens of thousands of “naked” (corrupt) PRC officials who have moved their fortunes offshore so that they can flee their country at any time.
Naked (Corrupt) Officials:

Come to think of it, the seven officials of FIFA, which holds the Soccer World Cup, are reported to have received bribes totaling 18.5 billion yen. Simple division yields a figure of 2.6 billion yen per person. Were you surprised by the scale of this corruption?

By comparison, it is not unusual for a high official of the Chinese Communist Party to have illegal hoards on the order of 1.2 trillion yen. The scale of the FIFA bribes pales in comparison.

Are those Japanese who can only be realistically seen as working for the Chinese Communist Party Government perhaps thinking of realizing through graft a “Chinese Dream” on the order of a trillion yen? I have a hard time recognizing as “Japanese” these people who do not have an ounce of morals.



素晴らしい国・日本に告ぐ! (SEIRINDO BOOKS)/青林堂



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