ニッポンの新常識 Common Knowledge Revisited ⑮

U.S. Should Clamp Down on “Anti-Japanese Propaganda Organization”


 In California, there is a political lobbying group called “the Global Alliance.” In English, the official name is “Global Alliance for Preserving the History of WWII in Asia.”

 However, in Japanese the name is “Global Alliance for Preserving Anti-Japanese War History,” abbreviated as the “Anti-Japanese Alliance.” It acknowledges that it is an organization dedicated to fulminating against Japan.

 The People’s Republic of China (PRC) has prepared an excuse to the effect that the name of the war in Chinese is “Anti-Japanese War” and that the Japanese language version of the name simply reflects that fact, but in reality their activities are all aimed against Japan.

 For example, the reality that Americans misunderstand Iris Chang’s delusional novel “The Rape of Nanking” to be fact is due to the activities of the Anti-Japanese Alliance. When Japan was trying to become a permanent member of the U.N. Security Council, this group gathered a large number of signatures on a petition in opposition.

 In recent years, it has worked together with Korean anti-Japanese organizations to campaign for the construction of comfort women statues in the United States, Canada, and Australia. The IWG Report was carried out due to their pressure.

 The headquarters is located in the election district of third-generation Japanese American Representative Mike Honda. When Prime Minister Abe spoke to a joint session of the U.S. Congress, Honda brought a former comfort woman with him to the session. He cast the lone vote against a resolution by both the House and the Senate welcoming Prime Minister Abe, in an effort to sully the Japanese-American friendship.

 After Prime Minister Abe’s speech, Honda appeared on CNN and reasserted that the Japanese military rounded up 200,000 women on the Korean Peninsula and forced them to work as comfort women.

 If, as asserted by Korea, all 200,000 comfort women provided sexual services for 20 to 30 Japanese soldiers every day, the approximately 1,000,000 Japanese soldiers would all need to have intercourse 4 to 6 times per day, and their monthly salary would be used up in 3 days. Not only Honda, but anyone else who still believes this infantile lie has no mathematical ability whatsoever.

 If the Anti-Japanese Alliance is truly a group to preserve war history, they should also preserve the record of the Tonghua Incident where Japanese were massacred in Manchuria by the Chinese Communist Party. In addition, they should preserve the history of the Tungchow Mutiny and the Battle of Shanghai carried out by the Kuomintang Army, the breach of the Yellow River dikes in which several hundred thousand Chinese countrymen were sacrificed, and the carpet bombing of Tokyo and the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the American military.

 Precisely because it is an anti-Japanese propaganda organization to denigrate only Japan, it pays no attention to actual wartime historical facts. Activities to spread the falsehood of a massacre of 300,000 people in Nanking or the forced recruitment of 200,000 comfort women violate the purpose of the U.S. Civil Rights Act, which aims to eliminate discrimination based on race or country of origin. The United States should amend this law so that it can clamp down on such activities.







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新刊予約受付中:   素晴らしい国・日本に告ぐ