Simultaneously Espousing “Anti-American” and “Anti-Chinese” Is Extremely Irresponsible
ニッポンの新常識⑬ Common Knowledge Revisited ⑬

 Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is visiting the United States as a state guest. After direct talks with President Obama, Prime Minister Abe boldly declared at the joint press conference his intention to “increase deterrence and response capabilities of the U.S.-Japan Alliance, and to contribute to the peace and stability of Japan, the region, and the world.”

 At the same press conference, President Obama included the term “otagai no tame ni” (for our mutual benefit) in his remarks where he expressed to the world his idea that not only the U.S.-Japan Alliance but the long-term friendship and trust between the two countries would contribute to world peace and prosperity.

 If you ask me, President Obama only expressed in a public forum what everyone already understands.

 I think that President Obama, whose has been confused several times in the past, has now in the seventh year of his term of office finally realized that the biggest threat to world peace is the “Evil Empire” the People’s Republic of China (PRC), and that present-day Korea is an immature non-democratic country which risks falling under the influence of the PRC, ignoring its alliance with the United States.

 The majority of Americans cannot tell the difference between Japan, Korea, and China. They understand almost nothing about the relative locations, population, economic power, political systems, cultural level, history, or national characters of these countries.

 I think President Obama was probably one of those average Americans. Perhaps he has brushed up the history of these three countries and their differences since his friend and close associate Mark Lippert, the U.S. ambassador to Korea, fell victim to a terrorist attack in Seoul. Would it be proper to refer to this as a “lucky break?”

 With undisguised partiality, I think “there is no more important diplomacy for the United States than the relationship between Japan and the United States.”

 Upon hearing of the numerous offenses committed by the United States against Japan after the end of World War II such as the War Guilt Information Program (WGIP), the existence of a post-war Press Code, and the fact that Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution is actually a penalty imposed upon Japan, which I touched upon in last week’s column, some Japanese may decide to espouse an anti-American view.

 Of course, they can speak their minds because freedom of thought and conscience, as well as freedom of expression, are recognized. However, I cannot understand the thought processes of people who, while warning of the military threat from the PRC, simultaneously espouse anti-Americanism. Such a person is probably thinking “I have awoken from a self-deprecating understanding of history” or “I am a true patriot who has learned about history and world affairs,” in which case that person has a serious problem.

 It has long been the aim of the PRC to undermine the U.S.-Japan Alliance and effect the complete withdrawal of the U.S. military from Japan. To simultaneously espouse both “anti-Chinese” and “anti-American” views is tantamount to advocating the ruin of Japan.

This is on the level of the ultranationalists at the time of the Greater East Asian War. As an American who likes Japan, I feel the need to lecture these people.

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新刊予約受付中:   素晴らしい国・日本に告ぐ!